'And I'm like ow! Never thought it'd hurt so bad getting over you. And ow! Your giving me a heart attack looking like you do. Cause your all I ever wanted, thought you would be the one that's, ow! Giving me a heart attack getting over you.'
Nick x Ryland
Ryland's POV
I had asked Nick out at least 15 times over the past 2 months and he always said no.
I still couldn't figure out why he kept rejecting me, I mean, I thought there was chemistry.
We had stayed in the same room for so long and not once did he seem uncomfortable with how close we were.
But the minute I told him that I liked him, he distanced himself from me.
Maybe he really just doesn't like me back, but it hurts to know that my feelings are one-sided.
I really wanted to get over him and move on, but Nick was holding me under some kind of trance.
Everyday it seemed like he just got hotter and hotter and I fell harder and harder.
It hurt even more watching him flirt with other guys right in front of me, like he didn't even know I was there, wanting him badly.
"Hey Ryland! Wanna help me film this bit?" Thomas asked.
"Cool, can you go get Nick?"
I got up and left the barstool I was sitting on in the kitchen, headed for Nick's room.
I hadn't really talked to Nick for a while now and I was kinda nervous to speak to him.
Once a simp, always a simp I guess.
I knocked lightly on the door, not getting a response, so I opened it and walked in.
"Nick? Are you in here?" I asked, but still nothing.
I looked through the room, not seeing any sign of him.
Finally, I made it to the bathroom and saw the light on in his closet.
He stepped out, eyes widening when he saw me standing there.
"There you are! Did you not hear me-" I said, stopping when I noticed what he was wearing.
He had on a light blue, skin tight crop top with a teddy bear on it and a flowy, white mini skirt.
Not to mention his legs were shaved and he was wearing lip gloss.
"Ryland?! W-what are you doing in here?" He asked, trying to cover himself up with his hands.
I didn't respond, instead, I walked over to him and uncovered his body.
"Don't try and hide, you're too beautiful for that." He blushed, looking down and taking a step back.
"You don't mean that."
"Yes I do." I said, confused as to why he couldn't see how perfect he was.
"Why didn't you tell me you were a femboy?" I didn't mean to say that out loud, but I really wanted to know.
"I was afraid you wouldn't like me any more." This made me want to laugh and scream at the same time.
"Are you kidding me Nick? Don't you remember how many times I asked you out? I fucking love you! A skirt isn't going to change that."
He jumped a little from how high my voice got, so I pulled him into a hug.
Nick hugged back, letting his head rest on my chest.
When we pulled away, I noticed some tears running down his cheeks.
"Why are you crying?" I asked him, brushing away his tears.
"I'm sorry." He whispered.
"For what?"
"For making you think I didn't like you because...I do." Now this took me by surprise.
"Is this some kind of prank?" There was no way this could be real.
"No, it's not a prank. I just didn't want you to find out about my femboy thing so you wouldn't leave me."
"Nick, listen to me. I love you so much and I've been waiting for you for forever. How could you think that?"
He sighed, moving to sit down on the edge of his bathtub.
"Because my last boyfriend was that way. Once he found out that I was into girls clothes, he left me and I was heart broken."
"Oh Nick, I would never do that, I promise." I hugged him again, pulling him onto my lap.
"Next time you feel like that, please tell me. I've been a train wreck over you for the past few months." He giggled, laying his head on my chest again.
How did I let him hold so much power over me? Oh well, at least he's mine now, took long enough.
A/N: Thank you all soooo much for 6k reads, it's literally unbelievable. This book might be ending soon since I'm running out of songs, but don't worry, I'll make another oneshot book. Hope y'all enjoyed, have a nice life😘

TikTok BxB/GxG Oneshots (Inspired by 1D Songs)
FanfictionA collection of different oneshots inspired by One Direction songs. 《Requests Closed》