Over Again

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'If you were pretending from the start, like this, with a tight grip, then my kiss, could mend your broken heart. I might miss everything you said to me.'

Noah x Blake

Blake's POV

Noah hates me, but I'm in love with him.

Ever since the first day he came to Sway, I knew I liked him. But I covered up my crush so he wouldn't think I was weird.

It already hurt enough knowing that he didn't like me, I can only imagine how I'd feel if he were disgusted with me.

"Blake! Get in here!" I heard Anthony scream from downstairs.

I went into the living room and saw Anthony and Noah sitting on the couch.

Noah sent me a cold glare and Anthony gave me a small smile, telling me to sit next to him.

"Alright, so I'm tired of y'all fighting all the time." We both looked at him out of confusion.


"You guys are going to sit here for about an hour and get over your hate towards each other."

"I'm not doing that!" Noah yelled, standing up.

"You didn't let me finish, and yes you are." Anthony said, pulling back down.

"Here's how this is going to work. You guys will take turns saying one thing you dislike about the other person and then something you do like about them."

"You do realize we don't like each other at all? How are we going to do that?" Ouch.

"Figure it out." Anthony moved off the couch and grabbed his, setting a timer.

"Your time begins...now."

Noah stared at me awkwardly and I sent him some side glances.

After a couple slaps from Anthony, we finally started talking.

"Blake, I don't like it when you steal my food." Noah said, a little more calm now.

"Understandable." I mumbled.

"I like your dimples." I smiled at him and he returned it.

"Good Noah. Your turn Blake."

"Um, I hate it when you ask me to repeat things over and over again." He nodded.

"I really like your laugh though." His grin returned to his face.

We went back and forth for the next hour, slowly transitioning to just saying thing we like about the other person.

"Well, the hours up. Y'all can go!" Anthony said, leaving quickly. I guess he got bored of his own idea.

"Blake, be honest. Why do you hate me?"

I let out a long sigh, knowing it was time to tell Noah the truth.

"I don't hate you, it's the opposite actually."

"What?!" I knew he would react like this.

"I like you. Please don't say anything, just go." Tears started welling up in my eyes and I felt movement on the couch.

I looked up to see Noah sitting right next to me, way too close for me to have come out to him.

He grabbed my chin, leaning in so our noses were touching.

"I like you too. I just used the hate to cover it up."

"Me too!" I exclaimed, surprised at the fact that we were going through the same things all along.

"I meant everything I said by the way, the nice stuff." I smiled, jumping on top of him.

His beautiful, boisterous laugh filled the room as he wrapped his arms around my waist.

I looked into his eyes, falling into a daze and letting the moment really sink in. He liked me back!

"Can we start over?" He asked, ending my daydream.

"What do you mean?"

"Pretend all the fake hate never happened."

"Sure. Hi my name is Blake Gray, nice to me you." He laughed again, hugging me tighter.

"My name is Noah and I think you and I are going to get along very well."

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