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"I still think we should take you to camp," my mother said as she pulled out of the school parking lot, a worried expression plastered to her face.

I shook my head, although I couldn't help but agree with her. "No, mom, I'm fine."

"Percy, you passed out! That's not called being fine!" she persisted. "I bet it's because you ate barely nothing this morning...maybe some ambrosia would help you..."

Instead of wasting my energy on arguing with her, I reluctantly allowed my mom to drive me to Camp Half-Blood.

When we got there she nervously peered at me from the car window. "Be safe, Percy. Do you want me to wait here for you?"

"Mom, just come with me. I'm sure Chiron would allow it—" I started, but she turned as pale as a sheet. "Fine, mom. You can go, I'll just get a taxi home."

She sighed and dug around in her purse. "I don't like that, and it'll be expensive, but I know I can't change your mind....here."

She handed me a few wadded up bills before peering at me one last time. I assured her I would be fine and she drove off the second I went through the barrier.

"Percy, what are you doing here?" Chiron asked as I approached the steps of the Big House. He and a few satyrs were playing some card game, but he instantly sent them off and ushered me to a nearby seat.

"My mom sent me here. I fainted in class, she got real worried, but I'm fine," I assured Chiron. He frowned, but allowed me to continue. "I think if I just get some ambrosia that'll make her happy and then I can go home."

Chiron nodded. "Well, I'll send you to the infirmary in a few minutes. I wanted to talk to you first. I'd been meaning to call you. I didn't like how things ended with our last conversation...."

Flashback—One Month Ago

"Chiron, please!" I begged as I rushed after him. In centaur form, Chiron was fairly fast, but I could still catch up. "Please!"

We ran up the steps of the Big House. Chiron finally stopped and ignored me as he sat down in his wheelchair.

"I don't know what else to tell you, Percy," he said as he started dusting off the top of the porch table.

"Tell me I can stay! Let me stay here and help other heroes train! I think I'm qualified enough, Chiron! Two wars can do that to a person," I snapped.

Chiron peered down at his fake legs and sighed. "I'm not sending you away because I don't think you're qualified for the job."

I messed with the collar of my suit. Oh, how I desperately wanted to take it off and burn the thing. "So, you admit you're sending me away then?"

"That's not what I meant, I misspoke."

"Then what are you doing? I'm no use in the mortal world."

"Percy, you have to finish high school," Chiron said, his voice remaining even. "And even go onto New Rome. Then I will let you train heroes here."

I shook my head. "No, Chiron! A degree isn't needed to work here, I'm more than trained!"

"Drowning yourself in training won't get rid of your sorrows, Percy," Chiron said.

"I never said that!" I nearly screamed. "I've got no future anymore, Chiron! She....she was my future, the push to keep me going...."

Chiron closed his eyes for a minute. "Percy, she wouldn't have wanted you to give up on your dreams because of her."

I shook my head. "I have no dreams anymore! No ambitions, no real future out there! But here, I can be useful."

"Percy, no!" Chiron snapped, his calm temper disappearing. "My word is final. You must graduate high school. If after that you still wish to train here, I will allow it. But I've had enough of your whining. I knew Annabeth, too, and I think I know she would've hated the idea of you giving up!"

Words and my retorts left my body, leaving me unable to speak. Chiron didn't look at me as I left. As if he was unable to. I didn't blame him.


"Does your offer still stand?" I asked. He simply stared at me. "The finishing high school thing. Then training kids here. That offer—it still stands, right?"

He nodded, although it looked like it pained him. "I was just hoping that you would reject it and go off to college. I suppose I was wrong. But I still have until the end of the year."

"Well, I doubt things will change," I replied bitterly. "Should I go get some ambrosia now?"

"Yes, I think that would be wise," he said. I nodded and pushed my chair in. Before I left he spoke. "Don't go looking for her."

I didn't turn to face him and I didn't ask questions. I understood his statement. "It's not like I can."

"The underworld is growing with unrest," he murmured. "Going there would not only double your pain, but it may cause your demise. And I know you think there is little to live for these days, Percy, but just wait and see."

I almost started laughing at Chiron in mockery, but instead I only nodded and headed off towards the infirmary.

I can't lie, the thought had crossed my head several times. I'd been to the Underworld before, and the worst that could happen was death.

And that entailed Annabeth.

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