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Annabeth shrieked in horror, her scream filling me with fear. "There—there are more?!"

Nico disappeared instantly. I could barely see his figure reappear next to the statue as he took out his sword and joined the battle.

"I guess we should go help, too. I just wish we had a flashier entrance than Nico," I grumbled as I grabbed Annabeth's hand and started walking towards the statue.

Annabeth remained frozen in fear, her eyes transfixed on the statue that was covered in spiders. All the color had drained from her face.

"Annabeth?" I whispered as I walked closer to her, my hand feeling almost numb from the grip she had on it. "Are you...are you alright?"

That seemed like a stupid question to ask, but I didn't know what else to say, so I just sighed and waited for her response.

She stiffly shook her head, barely being able to move. Her blonde curls slowly fell out of her ponytail. She didn't even reach and tighten her ponytail, which was a cute habit of hers that I loved.

"Hey, it's okay," I assured her. "You can stay here, alright? I'll go help, you just...sit. Let me help you down..."

"No," Annabeth said hoarsely, closing her eyes and shaking her head. "I-I can't let you go there a-alone. And our f-friends need my h-help..."

"I'm sure they'd understand," I promised her. "Annabeth, this is literally your worst fear, and you're hurt—"

She shook her head forcefully and started slowly marching towards the Athena Parthenos. "Leo and Reyna are hurt, too. That isn't stopping them! I...I'm literally terrified right now, Percy, but I-I can't let them fight alone. Not after everything they've done for me. Are-are you coming?"

A smile crept on my face as I took her hand again. "Of course. Now let's go kill some spiders."

She winced at the mention of them, but trudged on with newfound confidence. When we arrived the spiders flocked to Annabeth as if they knew who she was.

Instead of tending up and screaming, she fought them. She was insane in the battle that I nearly forgot she'd just been held hostage for half a year.

I almost forgot about the battle as I just stood there, marveling at her. I quickly snapped out of it snd helped her kill the spiders.

These were different than the ones that had been at the factory. They were larger, more dangerous, and when they died they turned into monster dust.

"She sent her more powerful spiders here?" I yelled over the noise of the battle.

Annabeth nodded as she stomped on a few that were attempting to climb her legs. "Yes, and I'm pretty sure she was planning to come here personally today. She wasn't expecting your attack today, she thought you guys weren't even close to figuring out her plan."

The spiders were quickly disappearing. The remaining ones had flocked to the statue or the spare children of Athena left at camp, and that including Annabeth.

After the final spiders were slain, campers started to disappear, many being shipped off to the hospital wing by Will.

"You should probably get checked out by the Apollo cabin," I told Annabeth as Will hassled a few campers past us.

She sighed. "You're probably right, but I just don't want to leave you again. Especially not after all we've been through. I mean, I just got you back."

"And what makes you think I won't come with you? Come on, let's go," I said as I guided her past the Athena Parthenos and towards the infirmary.

On the way we were stopped by several people, all of them hugging Annabeth or just staring in astonishment at her.

One of those people was Chiron, who looked like he was about to ball as he pulled Annabeth into a hug.

After a brief catching up, Chiron ordered her to the infirmary, so we walked towards it. It was overflowed with campers, some even propped up and being taken care of on the porch of the place.

"Annabeth, I've been looking for you!" Will scowled as he pulled her inside. "Anything feel broken?"

She shrugged as Will ushered her over to a free hospital bed. "Well, I've got a few spider bites, bruises, and cuts, but besides that I'm fine. Well, my wrist has been killing me, but I think I sprained it a while back."

Will examined her and ordered a cast be placed on her wrist. "You broke it about a month ago, right? It's somewhat healed, but not properly. I'm going to need to look after this, come back in a few days, okay?"

After her wrist had been fixed up, I led her to the pavilion as she ate and sat at the Poseidon table with me, completely ignoring the strict rules with where to sit.

"I don't even know where I'll be in a few days," Annabeth said as she examined her wrist.

I frowned. "You're not staying at camp?"

"I don't know," she admitted. "I mean, it's my senior year. I've got so much work to catch up on, and of course there's California..."

I couldn't help but laugh as Annabeth stared at me with confusion. "Of course you're worrying about school at a time like this. Annabeth, you were literally kidnapped, school shouldn't be your number one priority. And you're, like, super smart. You can catch up."

She sighed as her eyes skittered down to the floor and away from my gaze. She nervously picked at the food on her plate. "I suppose you're right..."

I could tell that something was bothering her, but I didn't want to press her as she'd literally been held hostage for half a year.

Instead I placed a hand on her shoulder, which caused her to drop the fork she'd been holding and instantly pull herself closer to me.

As I held her I felt her shake with tears snd I couldn't help but cry as well. "Hey, everything will be okay..."

Annabeth smiled weakly as we pulled apart and she wiped a single tear off of her face. "I'm just so sick of feeling powerless. And now, I'm so confused about everything. I mean, I can't go back to California, right? But I can't stay here..."

"Hey, Annabeth," I said as I grabbed her hands. "You can do whatever you want. And I'll be there, supporting you along the way. I suppose I am a little biased as I want you to stay in New York more than words can express, but if you went to California to finish the year, I wouldn't blame you. And I certainly wouldn't want to hold you back."

She didn't speak for a long time, but she nodded with understanding. More campers started filing into the pavilion as Annabeth finally finished her food.

"Is...is my cabin...?" she started wearily.

"Still how you left it?" I finished. She nodded. "Down to the detail."

"I...I think I need some rest," she decided as she stood up. She placed a hand on my shoulder and grimaced. "I'll see you tomorrow?"

I nodded as she walked off. I stared at her until she was out of view. The only thing that was running through my head was my utter disbelief that she was back.

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