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"You've been looking for me?" I asked as he led us inside. "I've been looking for you. All over the town, to be honest."

Mr.Chase shut the door behind us and led us upstairs to his office, where we all sat down.

"I've been trying to contact camp for months," he admitted as he ran a hand through his hair. "Annabeth didn't come home, and when she left she said there was some war..."

"She didn't tell you about the war with Gaia?" I asked.

"Well, she would occasionally text me or something like that," he replied. "But all communication stopped suddenly. And then I got some letter...? Is she...is she okay?"

I frowned. "What letter?"

"From camp," he said. "It said that she wouldn't be returning home, that she was staying there for the year. Just after I thought she'd forgiven me...."

"She did forgive you, sir," Grover interjected. "She hasn't been ignoring you. She...she's missing."

His eyes winded. "She's missing? How can she be missing?! How could you lose my daughter?!"

"I didn't!" I protested. "I honestly thought she had died, Mr.Chase. I just learned that she's alive recently, so I came here. I thought she'd be here..."

He shook his head. "No, the last time we spoke was months ago. Then she just cut me off. But now she's missing?!"

I sighed as I explained the whole war with Gaia and how Chiron had lied to me about Annabeth. Then I told him about our journey here and about New Rome, which he didn't even know existed.

"There's a place for demigods...nearby?" Mr.Chase asked. "And I've been sending her all the way to New York?"

"It's not like that," I assured him. "It's for...Roman demigods. And Annabeth is Greek. So am I. They're offering us help, though. And we came here to see if you knew anything about her whereabouts—"

Before I could finish there was a light knock on the door. Before anyone could answer it, Mrs.Chase entered.

Mrs.Chase was short and Asian and had short black hair and worried looking brown eyes. She seemed hesitant to walk in on us but did nonetheless.

"I saw that some of Annabeth's friends were here," she said hesitantly. "Would you two boys like some food? I can whip you up some sandwiches."

Before we could decline, she just smiled. "No, you two look simply famished. I'll bring it up when they're ready."

She scurried off, leaving us alone again.

"Tell your wife that we're really sorry as we have to go," Grover said. "If Annabeth's not here, then we have to go."

Mr.Chase shook his head. "I can't just let you leave! My daughter is in danger, and this is the first I'm hearing of it! I can't allow you just to leave without the promise of updating me or letting me help."

"I know this is difficult, Mr.Chase, but you can't really help. This is a demigod matter, and a mortal can't help us—" I started.

"I have a plane," he suggested. "Remember? That could help....somehow. And the least you can do is let my wife feed you two."

Grover sighed and peered at me. "I don't think the plane could really help us now, but one free meal couldn't hurt, right?"

I sighed and rubbed my forehead. "Fine, one meal. Then we really have to go, sir."

We allowed him to lead us downstairs where his wife had already made several sandwiches for us. After serving us seconds, she demanded that she make us some dessert.

"No, Mrs.Chase, we've really got to get going," I said.

She shook her head. "You can't, it's far too late now. You won't be able to see. And with all that traffic...I can't allow it!"


"You'll be tired at the wheel, and I can't allow that," she said. "We have a guest room with two spare beds—"

"We can't," I assured her. "But thanks for offering."

Grover peered at me anxiously. "She's right, Percy. What if we get in an accident? Fall asleep at the wheel?"

"I'm not going to fall asleep at the wheel," I said bitterly.

"But you might—!"

After bickering with Grover he finally convinced me to stay one night, although it wasn't easy.

"We're leaving early tomorrow then," I said, completely sure of the fact. "I bet everyone at New Rome will be super worried..."

Grover shook his head. "Everything will be fine, Percy. And maybe sleeping will clear your consciousness, and maybe that'll help us find her."

Although I hated it, I somewhat agreed with Grover. Maybe one night of rest wouldn't hurt...

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