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The tapestry hanger broke off the wall as my feet slammed slammed against the breaking remains of the floor. I scooped up the bag, recognizing it to be Annabeth's.

I smiled with glee as I slung it over my shoulder as the floor crumbled ominously underneath me.

"Percy, what the hell are you doing?!" Piper cried as she shoved Jason out of the tunnel. "Go get him!"

Jason's eyes widened as he instantly started flying over to me. The ground under me groaned as Jason grabbed me.

The floor completely broke away as Jason flew me over the pit and set me back down in the tunnel, where Piper screamed at me.

"Percy, gods! What were you thinking?!" she screamed as she hit my arm. "You could've died, Percy! Or fallen in Tartarus!"

"Well, I've already done that, haven't I?" I asked as I dusted off my shirt. "It doesn't matter though, as I got the bag, and it's her's, Pipes!"

Piper stared at me. "That still doesn't make up for the fact that you nearly fell in Tartarus! You're being careless, Percy! If you can't behave I'm going to call Chiron and get him to send you straight home! You could've fallen in, Percy!"

"I know, Piper!" I yelled back, losing my temper. "I know what could've happened. And I know what it's like down there, in case you've forgotten. I think I'm the one who wakes up every night screaming because of it. And I'm the one who has to watch her die every night in my dreams!"

I could tell Piper had turned red from the light coming off of our weapons.

"I'm sorry," she whispered as we started walking again.

We were quiet all the way through the tunnel. Jason wordlessly flew us over the chasm and up the cliff.

The cab ride home was silent and the hotel was practically deserted when we arrived back there.

Jason made some lame excuse for himself and Piper as they went into their rooms.

I didn't care so I just went back to my own room and opened Annabeth's bag. I recognized it as the bag that she had been carrying when she first found the Athena Parthenos, so it was no real confirmation she was in Rome.

We had both assumed it had fallen into Tartarus with us, so I was pleasantly surprised to see it again.

Inside was Daedalus's laptop, several of Daedalus credit cards, her Yankee's hat, and her dagger.

Her bag smelled like her—lemons and old books. I placed her hat on my head and smiled as I turned invisible.

I took the hat off and turned to the laptop, which was already charged. I opened it to see a diagram of Frank's Chinese finger trap up. I smiled as I remembered how'd she defeated Arachne originally—which a Chinese finger trap.

How she'd thought of that, I never knew. I suppose that was what made her such a genius. And that's why I loved her.

I pocketed the credit cards for later use and examined her dagger, which she had thought she'd lost forever.

I placed the dagger and hat in my own backpack along with her camp necklace and note to me as I thoroughly investigated the computer.

It was simple enough to use so I had no trouble going through it. It was mostly filled with Daedalus and Annabeth's plans.

I almost gave up going through it until a certain document caught my eye. It was labeled Percy, so I clicked onto it.

'Dear Percy,

If you're reading this, it probably means you're either snooping or going through my stuff after I've died.

This letter is for the latter occasion, although I hate to admit it. I can't even fathom the idea of losing you just after I've got you back, but with the war it is a huge possibility.

I love you, seaweed brain. I love you more than I thought possible. And if I die, don't stay hung up on me. Don't live in the past.

You're the most amazing best friend and boyfriend anyone could've asked for. You're more than that, honestly. I love you, Percy.


Tears ran down my face as I read the letter over and over again. Of course she'd been prepared for her own death like she was prepared for everything else.

Even though her letter had told me to move on, finding it had only motivated me to start looking and working even harder to find her, because I couldn't lose her. Not again.

Hey guys! All your support on this book makes me so, so happy! I don't remember if I've announced this yet on this book, I have another Percabeth AU called Famous Fate that would mean so much to me! :)

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