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"Percy, Percy, wake up!"

The door of the Poseidon cabin burst open and the sunlight poured in, causing me to wince and rub my eyes.

"Thalia?" I whispered as I slowly sat up and opened my eyes. When I spotted Thalia standing in my cabin I quickly pulled my blanket tighter. "What are you doing in here?!"

I could tell there was something serious going on as she had called me Percy instead of kelp head, which was serious for Thalia.

Thalia grinned wildly as rushed over to me. "Will's just cleared Nico! We're leaving for the warehouse in one hour, be ready! Meet me at the Big House!"

She rushed out of my cabin, not bothering to close the door behind her. I grinned as I swung out of bed and closed my cabin door before getting dressed.

Once I was dressed I headed towards the Big House where I saw several people all discussing something.

As I grew nearer I saw Thalia, Leo, Calypso, Hazel, Frank, Nico, and Will.

Leo, Hazel, Calypso, and Nico all sat at one of t the porch tables while Thalia, Will, and Frank stood hunched over.

By the looks of them they were discussing something serious—most likely our plan, so I jogged over to them.

"What's that?" I asked as I spotted a hand drawn map on the table near Nico.

He shrugged and pushed the map closer to me. "That's a diagram of the warehouse. I drew it from memory, so it may not be accurate, and I didn't see all of it."

"Well, that's better than nothing," I said as I peered at the drawing, which was surprisingly detailed. "When are we going to the warehouse?"

"Now," Argus grunted as he handed me a key to one of the camp vans. "Return the van in pristine condition."

He grumbled something about irresponsible kids and had some of his eyes stare at us as he sauntered off.

"Well, Argus has spoken," Thalia said with a grin as she stole the keys out of my hands. "Anyone wanna drive?"

I snatched the keys back from Thalia as she tuck her tongue out at me. "I can do it. Nico, you can sit shotgun since I need your directions. The rest of you, sit in the back of the van."

We all got into the van, several of the demigods who were stuffed in the back complained but quickly shut up when I threatened to kick them out.

The warehouse was only around an hour away, but New York traffic had other plans for us. It seemed like everyone was out driving today.

"When are we gonna get there?" Leo complained as he stuck his head into the front part of the van. "I'm tired!"

Nico rolled his eyes at Leo. "We haven't even done anything yet. Now sit down and stop complaining."

Leo made a noise as if he'd just been murdered, but Calypso pulled him back towards the rest of them and silently berated him.

Nico made us pull over several miles before we even arrived at the warehouse, claiming that if we just showed up there it would be suspicious.

I agreed with him and decided it was for the best and pulled over carefully on the ride of some abandoned road.

"What is our plan?" Calypso asked timidly. "I mean, if we can't pull up there without looking suspicious, won't seven people walking on inside tip them off?"

Nico snorted as he leaned back to face the rest of the demigods. "Its not like we can just walk on in. The doors are sealed and they have people watching. Constantly."

Hazel sighed loudly as she rubbed her face with her hand. "This seems like a suicide mission! There's no way we can get past!"

"That's where you're wrong," I said firmly. Hazel stared at me in disbelief. "I found Annabeth's cap of invisibility, so if I put it on I could possibly sneak in."

Leo shook his head as he moved himself forwards a bit. "Even if you can get in, it's not like all of us have hats of invisibility lying around."

"You don't need to," Nico commented. "Percy's right, as much as I hate to admit it. Frank, you can turn into another spider and sneak in. Percy, find an entrance with the hat. I can shadowtravel two people in and then Hazel can manipulate the mist to get in."

"Do spiders see through the mist?" Hazel commented as she raised an eyebrow in questioning.

Nico shrugged. "Only one way to find out. If there's any trouble, just run. Alright? Pretend you're just a lost mortal."

"That's only six," Will piped up. "You can only sneak six people in."

"I know," replied Nico gravely. He shifted his gaze to peer at the floor. "I was thinking that you....that you could stay here."

Will's eyes lit up in fury. "What?! No! I can't just sit here, what if someone gets hurt? What if you get hurt?! And we already are down so many people—!"

Nico shook his head fiercely. "I'll shadowtravel them to you. I know you have tons of ambrosia and nectar on hand, so don't worry about me, alright? All we can do now is—"

Before Nico could finished his sentence the windshield of the van shattered and sent glass flying a million different directions.

The battle had begun.

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