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Reyna led me wordlessly to some cafe in New Rome that seemed practically deserted, the only other person inside being the barista.

"Hot chocolate?" she asked me as she ordered one for herself. "They're amazing here."

I nodded and pulled out some mortal cash. "Uh, sure, would this cover it?"

Reyna waved away my money and ordered for me. "It's my treat. Besides, this shop only takes Roman money and I'm assuming you have none on you."

"You assume right," I said as the barista gave us our drinks before scuttling off to the back room. "Why did you need to talk to me?"

"Let's talk here," she said as she gestured to a table near the back. I followed her and sat down. "I've been trying to reach you for months. I've called, emailed, even wrote letters. I'm assuming by your lack of response you didn't get any of my messages."

I shook my head as Reyna blew on her hot chocolate, sending steam upwards. "No, I didn't. Chiron told me all sorts of contacts were gone, including Iris messages."

"Not all. We have a phone here, a landline, that works to contact Chiron, but no one else," she said. "That's how we found out you were coming. And I thought letters still worked. I've been sending them to Chiron since I don't know your home address, so it is possible he's been holding onto them."

"Why would be do that?" I asked.

"The letters I've been sending you are all updates on our search for Annabeth, one that I was recently informed you didn't know about," Reyna said cooly. "I've been trying to convince Chiron to tell you for months."

I furrowed my eyebrows. "Why would you do that?"

Reyna frowned at me. "Because you're powerful, Percy, and I know how much Annabeth means to you. This search has been useless without you. I know you're the one who can find her."

"But why do you care?" I prompted. "It's not like Annabeth's disappearance does anything to you."

"That's not true," she replied. "I've been sending resources and demigods out to look for her, but I know they won't be able to find her. I'm wasting their time, Percy. I've tried to tell this to Chiron, but he won't listen. I know you're the only one who can find her."

"So you're saying searching for Annabeth is a waste of time?" I asked bitterly.

Reyna shook her head. "Not at all. I'm saying our searching for Annabeth is a waste of time as she didn't want us to. She asked for you in that letter, Percy, and I'm certain you're the only one who's able to find her."

"Well, some help would be nice," I murmured.

"I know, and I'm offering," she responded. "You and your faun can stay here as long as you need. Take weapons, armor, whatever. You'll have the whole help of almost everyone at Camp Jupiter. As long as you tell me your plan."

"We came out here to go to Annabeth's mortal home," I admitted. Then I explained the whole plan to Reyna, who just nodded along.

"What next?" she asked.

I peered out the window. It was quickly becoming night as the sun was setting quite brightly. "What do you mean?"

Reyna shook her head. "Percy, you know what I mean. What if she's not there?"

"Then there must be some clue of where she is there," I snapped back.

"What if there's not?" Reyna asked. "What next? You go back to New York? You stay here?"

"Well, no," I replied, turning red. "I'm not exactly sure what to do next, but Grover—"

"Annabeth did not ask for Grover," Reyna interrupted. "She entrusted this onto you, Percy. She expects you to know what to do next."

I nodded, my throat feeling trapped. "I...I guess I would start researching. Try to find out who this 'A' person is, and what she was saying..."

Reyna narrowed her eyes at me. "Head out to her mortal home tomorrow. If you don't find anything out, come back here. Our vast libraries are always open for research."

She finished her hot chocolate before saying goodbye to me and leaving me alone in the cafe. After a few minutes of thinking, I threw away my cold remaining hot chocolate and walked out onto the streets of Camp Jupiter.

I could see New Rome University from the street even though it was dark out. It was huge, and whenever I looked at it I almost burst into tears.

What would happen if Annabeth wasn't at her mortal home? And what if I didn't find anything there?

Would I be attending New Rome University alone or even at all? She'd been the one to push me to go to college, and missing school right now probably wasn't helping.

All I wanted to know was where she was. But she was out there, certainly. At least she was earlier today.

Had I really learned of her being alive just this morning? It felt like a lifetime ago...

I found my way back to some hotel where I noticed our rental car parked outside, so I assumed Grover was inside.

After talking to some annoyed desk person I went up to a room Grover had gotten for us. When I entered he was already passed out, muttering about enchiladas in his sleep.

Although I tried to sleep, all I could do was read Annabeth's letter over and over again.

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