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We found the entrance to the underground fairly quickly and started our descent. Annabeth had described it to me perfectly, so it was no surprise that it was easy to find.

The empty crates still contained a few broken plastic swords, but we left them be as we had no use for them, and there were few left.

"I'll fly Piper down then come back for you," Jason said as he grabbed onto Piper.

I nodded as they flew off, peering at them from the top of the cliff. The cliff was bigger in person but I tried not to let that scare me.

Jason flew Piper down perfectly and made it look easy, which I was sure it wasn't.

As they reached the bottom I heard a splash. There was water at the bottom.

I smiled as I summoned the water up. Piper and Jason screeched as the water rose to the top. I slowly jumped into the water and lowered myself down.

"What just happened?!" Jason asked as he and Piper shook the water off themselves.

"Well, there was water," I said, "and I was tired of waiting. Let's just get going."

Piper glared at me. "Of course you're not soaking. Of course not..."

The cavern of Mithras was still in shambles and it looked as if the followers of Mithras (or at least their ghost's) had abandoned it.

We slowly and cautiously walked through the shambles before arriving to the chasm that was empty. All I could see was some debris of kite string, which I knew had come from Annabeth.

I picked up the string, which was probably a few feet long and woven skillfully. There was no doubt in my mind that Annabeth had woven it, so I tucked it in my backpack.

I couldn't believe it. She had been here less than a year ago, and so smart to think of all these plans. Without her I felt like nothing. Like I was lost. And now I didn't even know if she was alive.

"No water this time," Jason said as he peered down. "At least I hope not. I'll come back for Piper this time."

Jason grabbed me and flew me over the chasm, not even breaking a sweat.

"You seriously can't trust me?" I asked as he placed me down.

"Just don't rush off without us," he said forcefully as he flew towards Piper. "I mean it!"

I sighed as I peered down the dark tunnel. "Thanks for the idea!"

Piper punched me in the arm as we walked ahead, the only light coming off of our weapons.

"Have you seen anything in Katoptris?" I asked Piper. Katoptris was her dagger which had the ability to show her visions.

She shook her head as she glared down at her knife. "Nothing for months. I suppose that goes along with the whole no prophecies thing. It's time like this I wish I chose the machine gun."

My eyes widened as we made our way down the tunnel. "You gave up a machine gun for your creepy knife?!"

"Ha ha, whatever," she murmured. "Just shut up or you may find the knife in you."

I believed her, so I shut up as we finally made it to the entrance to the pit to Tartarus.

The floor had cracked, but some of it remained. The flooring that remained was covered in spider webs and even dead spiders.

"Ugh, yuck," Piper said as she examined the floor. "Those spiders look long dead. I don't think anyone's been here in a while."

I shook my head as I peered around the room, which was in shambles. "No, there has to be something here, really! Maybe over there..."

I pointed across the room where there was still some flooring left. A bag laid there, covered in spider webs and spider carcasses.

"Even if that is something, we can't reach over there," Piper protested. "It's literally over a pit to Tartarus, Percy."

"I know," I replied, "but what if it's important? What if that bag is the reason we find Annabeth?"

Jason sighed as he peered over the pit. "I could try to fly over there, but it'd be risky. One wrong move and the whole floor could collapse. The ceiling, too. Then we'd all fall in."

Piper shook her head. "No, you're not doing that! It's too risky. We should just head back. Maybe the others found something."

"Okay, but I think we should check the tunnel again. I think I saw a weird looking coin there, but I just assumed it was useless," I lied.

"I guess it wouldn't hurt to double check," Piper said. Jason nodded in agreement as they turned and headed down the tunnel. "Where did you say this coin was?"

Quickly I tore my backpack off and grabbed the robe out of it. I spotted a small notch in the wall—a tapestry hanger.

I tied the rope into a lasso and threw it, barely hitting the tapestry hanger. After readjusting it slowly and steadily, I yanked on it. It didn't break off, so I grabbed onto to it and swung myself over the pit.

"Percy?! Percy, NO! NO!"

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