Chapter Three

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After effortly climbing out of the rocky pit, Soaren instantly collapsed on the mud below him and let out a deep sigh. He didn't normally do physical activities — but Hvitur had unique ways of training him well.

Soaren looked up after a few moments, and gazed beyond the horizon when he saw a beautiful sight of the sunset that enchantingly cowers behind the misty clouds that formed in front of the dying light.

His warm amber eyes sparkled at the view as the sun had finally set upon him. The darkness rose and so did the twinkling stars. He awed at the sky, reaching out for it with his talons.

Without any further due, he spread his magnificent scarlet wings out as wide as he could, inhaling as he did and finally lifted off and shot into the sky.

Soon enough, the red scales were barely visible in the starry night.

So...north to the Sea Kingdom...collect fish and food... hmmm. I know that's not the reason why Hvitur wanted me to go...but it seems like he's desperate for it. I wonder why...

It surprised him that he wasn't getting tired at all. He'd been flying for more than four hours now, sneaking past a few MudWings and SkyWings now and then. His wings must have given him quite a boost: not getting at least a bit exhausted after flying for four hours without breaks whatsoever.

He never felt so good in his entire life; stretching his wings, flying long distances, and breathing in the fresh air.

And fresh sea air.

He's here.

He spotted a patch of sand and landed there, with the mushy grains squelching in between his claws. It felt nice, but a little weird for him.

Unless I'm a SeaWing, he thought, I won't be able to see anything in the water when it's this dark right now. Maybe I should find somewhere well hidden to sleep for now, then I'll go fishing early in the morning.

His eyes caught the sight of a smooth surface of sand and had an idea. He leapt for that area and started digging a shallow hole that was wide enough for him to fit in comfortably. He slipped inside it and tucked in his wings, laying his head down and falling fast asleep after a few minutes.

In just a couple of hours, the sun slowly rose up into the sky, its warm embrace shone down on all it touched.

The pit that Soaren dug up last night wasn't so deep, so the sunlight was able to reach him, it's blinding light flashed at his eyes, waking him up slowly as he relaxed.

He slightly opened his eyelids, his eyes sparkling like diamonds in the light. He soon was wide awake and looked around him.

He saw seagulls squawk nearby after hearing the calming sound of crashing waves upon the shore.

Nothing seemed to be different...except for the fact that talon prints were marked on the sand. The positioning of it looked as if whoever that dragon was, was pacing around near Soaren's shallow hole.

(No, not his own talon prints.)

It then led a path, sort of to the shore.

Soaren stepped out of the pit with curiosity and worry. He followed the path, being careful not to be noticed by whoever this dragon was.

When he realised the prints had stopped, he came to a halt and found a turquoise blue SeaWing sitting by the shore.

Her eyes were closed, but he sensed something tranquil about her. She let the waves run through her claws. She had a gradient of turquoise and light blue painted neatly in mesmerising spirals on her scales. Her underbelly was a baby pink texture with illuminating mint green lights. Her gills and wings are the same colour as the lights on her neck and underbelly. A sparkling blue gem was made into a necklace and is now around her neck.

But the strange thing about her was the vibe Soaren was sensing from her. She seemed peaceful and quiet, though he just couldn't feel that.

He didn't want to cause any trouble with her, so he silently crept away behind her. He was almost out of her league when —

"What's the rush, SkyWing?"

Soaren stood, frozen in place as the SeaWing opened her emerald green eyes. She stood up casually and turned to look at him.

Her voice, to him, sounded like a harmonious melody that matched her beauty. She tilted her head at him as she angled her green wings.

"Well?" She said calmly.

The SkyWing stayed silent, then started stammering for a good excuse to be there. "I - um...was just - I mean...I am - but, uh..." He shied away from her, lowering his head sweetly (but he didn't mean it that way, lol) and slowly backing away so he had a chance to flee from her.

But she stopped him. "What are you doing here? Is something wrong? Three moons, is there an octopus on my head?"

Her blue gem necklace started glowing bright orange, the sapphire colour had completely faded as the gem started shining much brighter than it originally did.

"Ooooh, is it my scales? Do I look weird? Oh no, did I do something to upset you?" She kept complaining. As she did, the orange gem glowed brighter with each question that came out of her mouth. "Oh, I'm so sorry if I did!"

Then the gem glowed pink.

She went up to him and patted the top of his head and gave him a hug. Soaren flinched as she squeezed him tighter. He was so shocked at her enthusiastic energy when he just saw her meditation process of lots of "om mms".

When she let go, she beamed at him, with the gem glowing orange again.

"Umm," Soaren mumbled and the gem's light started fading dimmer and went sapphire blue again. "Sorry, I'm just here to catch some fish..."

The SeaWing jumped, her gem turning pink. She stayed quiet as the gem went back to its original blue, she stared at him, as if waiting for him to say something else.

"Oh, and I'm Soaren."

The SeaWing smiled.

"I'm Aqua."

Hello Dragonets...
I know that I said I wasn't going to do any more Author Note's but... it's the author of this FanFiction's birthday today! So I'm going to post an extra chapter at around the same time I usually post a chapter.


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