Chapter Sixteen

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Actual Author's Note: You may recognise some of the events in this chapter that happened in book 9. This was just an idea that came to me, do not give me credits for this chapter.


Soaren felt as if he was being dragged by the tail, then the legs, and then the whole body then being sucked into the depths of the darkness of the ocean.

He felt as if he couldn't breathe. He felt numb from the neck and down. Water entered his mouth as waves kept pushing him towards a blurry vision of yellow.

He gasped as more water came at him.


All of a sudden, he felt something grabbing him by under the arms and swimming for the shore along with him. It was happening so fast that the next thing he realised is that he was lying on the sand somewhere on a beach.

His head turned to the side and saw talon prints, with some dripping water from light blue scales.

High pitched screeches screamed in his ears as he saw a tall yellow figure very slowly emerging from the sea.

He groaned in pain.

He felt someone hold him again, then discerned that the dragon was trying to help him up.

"Come on, Soaren," Aqua said tiredly. "You need to hide before she sees you again."



She let go of him gently, then tried to cover him with sand.

"Argh," she grunted as she failed to hide him. "This is why I prefer magic."

She searched around rapidly and quickly snatched a seashell. She held it up.

"Enchant this seashell so that when any SkyWing holds it, he will turn invisible along with the shell itself."

Soaren gasped and backed away.

"You're an animus," he blurted.

The SeaWing nodded. "Yes, I am. Now quickly, take the shell!"

The stone necklace was still glowing the same blue.

She threw the shell at Soaren, who caught it frantically. Within seconds, he started to disappear limb by limb until he couldn't be seen.

"I can still see myself though," he said, looking at his talons.

"I can't," Aqua replied. "Now shush up."

The SandWing growled in disgust as she tried to dry herself by shaking her legs. "I always hated the water."

Without any more words, Aqua roared angrily and commanded a tidal wave from the ocean to wash out the SandWing.

The sand dragon yelped and was hit by the powerful wave, making her gasp for air.

She controlled the water to strike Aqua instead.

A long string of the ocean pounced for the SeaWing and smacked her multiple times. It then wrapped itself around her and clutched her tightly. She groaned.

"Sand!" She yelled. "Bury Sahara under!"

The beach started to shake.

Sand scurried around the ground as they went their separate ways and created a deep hole right underneath the SandWing.

Millions of grains started rising at the same height of Sahara. It then covered her and fell on top.

Swallowing the SandWing whole.

Soaren wasn't sure if she was dead or not. He walked a little closer, but Aqua turned her head to his direction and put a talon in front.

"Stop moving," she said, and pointed to his talon prints on the sand.

"Oh," he sighed.

What's the purpose of this? He thought. Why all of a sudden is that scary SandWing coming and trying to attack Aqua? Was Sahara supposed to kill her but didn't?

I can't believe Aqua's an animus. Why didn't she tell me? Why does Sahara want to kill me? Because I'm—?

He smothered a yelp when Sahara shot out of the sand full of rage. She bared her teeth at Aqua and made giant torrents of sand which went full speed at the SeaWing.

Aqua enchanted the sea to obey everything she told it to. She made a water shield to shelter her from the sand, which was blocked from her and went past her instead.

Her gem just kept glowing the same colour.

"Maybe this wasn't a good place to choose after all," Soaren heard Aqua mutter.

The SeaWing's water shield suddenly cast a blast of water straight at Sahara, who gurgled, but was really yelling curses that Soaren wouldn't want to hear.

Aqua kept the water like that as she enchanted another seashell to make her see Soaren.

Her eyes quickly caught on to him and she ran towards him.

"Fly away now," she whispered. "Tell Queen Glory that we've caught the IceWing's killer and that we're over at the Sea Kingdom."

She found another shell near the edge of the shore and casted a spell on it.

"When you need to get here," explained Aqua, "just tell it to teleport you and anyone else that's coming with you here."

She then handed the shell to him.

"But they'll now know that you're an animus," Soaren said. "You wouldn't want them finding that out."

She looked back at the soaked SandWing and to him again.

"I know," she sighed. "But all secrets get revealed eventually, right?"

Soaren gulped and squeezed a smile. "Right."

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