Chapter Five

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Aqua followed them, too, for some reason. Well, probably because she's banished from the Sea Kingdom because moons-know-why.

Soaren couldn't help but glance back at her a couple of times to see her gem necklace. But it never changed colour; it stayed a calm blue with a glowing vibration. He tried to guess all the possible reasons on how and why her gem keeps glowing in strange ways.

Was it because of the lighting? Is it for the reason that she might have made it in some way to make it glowing whenever she just pushes a random button?

But that's impossible, her eyes glowed red and that can't be dragon-made. Then it hit him. Unless...

"We're here," Tsunami declared, landing on the lush green grass, something Soaren had never seen before. It was SO GREEN. His claws slid in between the long strands of greenery as he exhaled at how beautiful it was here.


Colourful dragons flew happily around the trees, their scales shifting colours. Soaren read about them in scrolls.

Colour changing scales?


Sunlight touched every single spot in the Rainforest, but mostly it shone down on sleeping RainWings.

Why are they sleeping in the day? Wouldn't they be wide awake at this time?

But from the corner of his eye, he spotted a darker area and was shocked to see a crowd of black scales scattered across that side of the area.


That doesn't sound right.

It gets even more odd.

A RainWing with green scales and red and orange wings came swooping in where the NightWings were. She wore a flower crown on top of her head and had a strange furry thing cuddling on her neck. The dragon was absolutely beautiful.

Her green eyes darted around the black dragons, with a NightWing flying right next to her, and his eyes didn't land anywhere but her.

"Glory!" Tsunami called out to the RainWing.

The queen stopped flapping her wings suddenly with the NightWing swiftly breaking without a single hesitation.

Glory flew down to where Tsunami, Aqua and Soaren were. She glowered at the SkyWing while the NightWing stood in perfect posture and a smug face.

"What is it?" The queen asked with a tone that says she didn't want to be dealing with this right now.

"The dream visitor at Jade Mountain Academy IS MISSING." Tsunami growled furiously, lashing her powerful tail that it scared some of the nearby RainWings.

"Wait what?" Glory said, her scales blooming with orange. "Did you check everywhere? All the classrooms? The students' sleeping caves? The prey centre?"

"Yes!" Tsunami fumed. She barked her teeth. "Someone STOLE it!"

"Now, squid brain, let's not jump into conclusions." The NightWing interjected. "It could have possibly been misplaced by one of the teachers—"

"I was the last one to use it," the SeaWing snapped. "And no one asked you, SQUID BRAIN. That's my insult!"

"Then maybe Deathbringer could find it," Glory suggested, tapping her chin with one claw and turned to the NightWing, "I mean, you are an assassin, after all."

Deathbringer coughed. "EX-assassin, mind you, my queen. And no, I am not leaving you here unprotected whether you like it or not."

He crossed his arms stubbornly and wrinkled his snout. But the SkyWing could see amusement in the bodyguard's face.

"For the LAST TIME," Glory said, very annoyed, "I DO NOT need a bodyguard!"

The NightWing scoffed. "That's what you think."

"That's what I know." She shot back.

He barked an amused laugh but stood still.

Soaren never expected the RainWing queen to be like this. He'd expect her to sit around all day in the sun and just let her subjects do all her work.

But Glory was actually quite nice. She was regal and fair, treating her subjects equally — even her bodyguard — and acts responsible for the Rainforest.

Aqua leaned towards Soaren's ear and whispered, "I ship those two so hard!"

He knew she was talking about Glory and Deathbringer.

"Well, if you're not going to go to Jade Mountain to find the dream visitor, which I'm sure is not stolen," Glory grumbled, "then I'll go get the better version of you."

Deathbringer sat up in protest. "Hey!"

Tsunami sniggered. "Oh," she realised. "Her,"

Judging from her tone, Soaren guessed Tsunami approved more on who this 'her' was rather than Deathbringer, the annoying, self centered bodyguard.

"Come," Glory said to all of them, "we'll fly to them."

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