Chapter Ten

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That night, Soaren couldn't sleep. He really wanted to get back to Hvitur and the pit. But he's always been delaying, and he wants to know what happened with the murder.

He'll try to help the next day, then when it's solved and case closed, he'll leave the Rainforest and go back for Hvitur.

But what happens when I return? Will Hvitur worry too much about me and how long I'm taking? Or is he already dead? I pray to the moons that he's still alive. Please, please, please still be alive; I don't know what to do without you.

He sighed deeply and rested his head on his talons, looking up at the night sky as the stars sparkled brightly. They reflected off onto his eyes, making them grow wide and hopeful.

You're alive.

"Pst," whispered a voice that Soaren didn't hear the first time.


The SkyWing suddenly lifted his head and looked around in confusion. "Huh?"

"Hello! Over here!" The voice whispered with more irritation. "Three moons, can you not see me?"

A warm talon tapped Soaren vigorously on the shoulder, making him jump and whirl around to see who that dragon was. He was so worried it was the murderer of the dead IceWing, but his fear soon faded, knowing that it was only Aqua.

"Can you see me now?" She hollered softly.

Soaren chuckled and nodded.

"Good," she said.

Her stone necklace began its process again: it glowed maroon, this time and nearly blinded Soaren's eyes.

He thought it was about time he asked her about the glowing gem. It made him question everything and what he's been taught.



Confusion? eye sight?

"Hey," he said to her, "why does that gem keep glowing different colours and all that?"

Aqua stayed silent for a moment, as if thinking about what she should say. "I'll tell you later. I came to you cause I wanted you to see something that I don't think you'll find anywhere else on Pyrrhia."

Soaren went blank for a few seconds, then shook his head vigorously as if saying to himself, "WAKE UP, SOAREN, AQUA IS INVITING YOU TO SEE SOMETHING. JUST GO AHEAD AND ACCEPT IT, IDIOT!"

"Ok," was the smartest thing he's ever said so far.

As they flew, Soaren looked at the suntime platforms, which were all vacant except for one: Moondrift was sleeping peacefully with her wings and tail tucked in.

And strangely, Snowstorm was sleeping next to her, with his wing on her.

They cuddled close, making Soaren realise who "that dragon" who was the only one who cared about the IceWing.

"EEEK!" Soaren screeched.

"Calm down, you wussy, it's just a few vines." Aqua laughed.

She guided him into the forest, in the crowd of trees where it was quite dark, yet she could see perfectly well in it.

Soaren wasn't really fond of the darkness, even though he spent his whole life living in a deep six meter pit where he couldn't see the sunlight, which is kinda weird.

As Aqua led him deeper into the forest, Soaren kept whimpering and muttering curses under his breath because of how scared he was right now.

"Still," he said crossly, "it creeps me out."

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