Chapter Four

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Soaren wasn't sure exactly how to put Aqua.






None of those words could be used to perfectly describe her. But she was quite nice, from how he could see it. He couldn't imagine her being so calm now that he got to know her personality a bit better.

Then the strangest thing happened.

"Hey, SQUID BRAINS!" Yelled a bossy voice. "What are you doing just STANDING there?"

Aqua looked away from Soaren and frowned. Her gem suddenly glowed a purple colour as she frowned with annoyance.

Another SeaWing came stomping over to them. Her blue scales were as deep as the depths of the ocean as white lights flashed furiously and blinded the SkyWing. She looked about the same age as Soaren and Aqua, but her wings flared and she lorded over them and she casted a shadow on them.

"Oh, CALM DOWN, TSUNAMI!" Aqua screeched, making Soaren jump in utter shock. Her gem glowed a vigour red. But the scary thing did her eyes.

He was startled at this and gave her a ghastly look that she didn't seem to notice.

Tsunami looked over the other SeaWing's shoulder and sneered. "You brought a SkyWing to the Sea Kingdom?" She squinted her eyes skeptically at him. "Pfft, he looks harmless, aside from being big and handsome, HARMLESS."

"He can fight!" Aqua barked, then turned to Soaren. "Can you?"

The SkyWing lowered his head shyly. "Umm, no, I can't. Well, I can defend myself for a while, but I'm not really into fighting."

Tsunami snorted and rolled her eyes. "Looks like we have ourselves another Starflight."

Before Soaren could ask who Starflight was, he realised he was no longer part of their uncivilised conversation. No, scratch that. Argument.

"Umm, excuse me?" He said, but wasn't heard because of the loud yelling of Aqua and Tsunami.

"YOU SHOULDN'T BE HERE, YOU WERE BANISHED. SO LEAVE THIS PLACE BEFORE I KILL YOU MYSELF." Tsunami was demanding. Her white pearls flew into Aqua's face, whose gem necklace glowed brighter red.


Soaren wrinkled his snout. He could tell that Tsunami and Aqua didn't really get along quite well. The two SeaWings continuously yelled curses in each other's faces.





Soaren wanted to run away, but something in his mind was yelling, don't run, you idiot. That SeaWing obviously needs help.

He took a quick glance at Aqua and her bright red gem around her neck. Her eyes were glowing the same colour as the stone like it was before. But there was something about the way her eyes flashed, as if an angered fire was raging inside her all of a sudden.

This stumped him as the SeaWings started pointing accusingly at each other while spitting at their faces.

His stomach started to lurch and realised just how hungry he was. The SkyWing looked desperately at the water and saw small sparkling scales in the clear waters.

He walked over to the water while Aqua and Tsunami kept yelling and cursing. The water reached his elbows when he went in. He stared at the fish that swam merrily around him.

Aw, but they're so cute. I can't eat them!

But his hungry stomach disagrees with him.

You'll die of starvation, idiot. Plus, it's just a few fish; SeaWings eat those everyday without hard feelings. Come on, Soaren!

Soaren didn't hesitate, he really was extremely hungry, not eating for almost a day and flying nonstop for four hours straight — he deserved something to eat. He swiftly slashed one of the fishes to pieces in a matter of milliseconds and chucked it on the sand, taking a bite out of it.

He could still hear Tsunami and Aqua arguing.

"Oh, so because you were part of THE GREAT DRAGONET PROPHECY, you can tell me what to do?" Aqua demanded.

Soaren flinched at the words, "The Great Dragonet Prophecy,"

He realised that Tsunami was the "SeaWing egg of deepest blue". He crouched down and enjoyed his fish. He tried his best not to quiver but couldn't help listening to their surprisingly informative conversation.

"No, but I am your princess," Tsunami snapped.

When Soaren was done, he stood up and coughed.

"Guys, stop it," he finally said. They both looked at him with agitated faces. "I need to get to the Rainforest to ask Queen Glory for some of that cactus that heals SandWing venom. Do you know her?"

Tsunami scoffed. "Glory? Oh yeah, she's like my little sister that I wasn't supposed to have. But now look at her now: QUEEN! TWO TRIBES! SMUG BODYGUARD!"

She didn't sound envious of that, but Soaren wondered what she meant by "sister that I wasn't supposed to have."

"Um, ok...but I really need to get to the Rainforest," the SkyWing pleaded. "I need that cactus for—" he paused, not knowing if he should tell her his real reason.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, I don't care," Tsunami said. "I'll just take you to 'her Majesty' and she'll deal with you." She clenched her fist. "And I need a chat with her myself."

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