Chapter Nine

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"Oh my moons," Deathbringer said.

He walked closer to the body, being careful not to step on the blood, it'll get messy on his talons and he'll go nuts.

He sniffed the stab wound where all the blood came out and groaned in disgust.

He turned the body over, the IceWing's spine was clean, but something told Soaren this wasn't just any murder.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa," Moondrift snapped at Deathbringer. "What are you doing?"

"Finding evidence," the NightWing said crossly. "I'd like to see you do any better."

Moondrift stared down at the blue blood and frowned. "So you're just going to take the clues and leave this mess here? Yeah, I think I can do better than that."

Deathbringer delivered her a scowl.

"I was planning to clean this up when I found clues on who did this." He folded his arms. "But if you think you can do any better, go ahead."

The hybrid snatched a towel from the shelf and started wiping the blood. She walked towards the dead IceWing and eyed it closely.

She looked back up at Deathbringer with one of her, "You've got to be joking me" looks and held up a bloody, wet icicle with the tips of her claws.

"Oh, look at that," she mused. "Found something."

Deathbringer grumbled and pursed his lips. "Pfft, I knew that. I was just testing to see if, could find it."

"Sure," she rolled her eyes.

Moondrift observed the icicle and noticed talon prints on it before Soaren did.

The talon prints weren't strange in any way. It looks like ordinary talon prints that could've been by any dragon in or out of the academy.

Along the tip of the icicle are light claw marks unintentionally carved into the ice.

The SkyWing spotted purple blood on it.

That's strange...

"Uh, excuse me, Moondrift..." he said.

The hybrid turned to him. "Hmmm?"

"T-the blood...."

"Oh, yes,"

Moondrift had realised that the blood was not in fact blue, but purple.

And what colour with blue makes purples?

"Red," She observed. "The IceWing must have gotten into a fight with another dragon that couldn't have been an IceWing too." She scratched her chin. "Let's think: what dragon tribe has red blood?"

"All of them!" Aqua scolded, her gem turning purple.

"Ha, and they say you're one of the smartest on Pyrrhia," Deathbringer laughed.

"It was rhetorical, you idiot." Moondrift shot back. She turned to Glory. "It might take some time to read all of the dragons' minds, but I'll try my best to find out who killed him."

"No, not by yourself," Glory said. "Moonwatcher will help you."

The hybrid groaned. "Oh, alright."

The RainWing queen gracefully marched away to get Moon.

After a few moments, she came back with the NightWing.

Now that Soaren was able to get a better look at her, she had silver scales along her spine and side, with her teardrop sparkling and outshining everything else.

"We can start now, if you want to," Moonwatcher said shyly with a smile. "I'm just glad I'm not the only mind reader in our generation."

Moondrift smiled back. "Same."

"You can start tomorrow," Glory said. "I know you two have both been doing hard work, you guys need rest, you all do, even you, SkyWing. You must have been flying a long way from the Sky Kingdom, you deserve it too."

Soaren bowed. "Thank you, your Majesty."

But Soaren didn't like the idea of having the queen think he flew from the Sky Kingdom.

"You could sleep on one of the platforms." The RainWing queen said. "I'll put a sign on there."

Moondrift and Moonwatcher gave each other an amused look.

"Anyway," Moonwatcher said, "I should be going. Me and Qibli are meeting up to-" she decided not to finish the sentence and started walking away.

"Awesome," Glory said, "everything's settled."

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