Chapter Twenty One

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The IceWing gasped happily as Moondrift's scales started getting its vibrant colours again. He wrapped himself around her as she blinked and looked around.

"Oh moons," the IceWing sighed. "You're alright."

He turned to Aqua with the most grateful look Soaren has ever seen. "So you're an animus?"

The SeaWing nodded. "Yes, I am,"

"Thank you,"

"So," Moondrift said, holding out her talon for her dagger. "What did I miss? Anything exciting happen? Oh, did you catch that SandWing son of a—?"

"Yes!" Soaren interrupted before she could finish her sentence. "We caught her, and Deathbringer is taking her to..."

He realised how confused he was. He knew the war was over, but hearing the name 'Thorn' made him think he got his history all wrong.

Weren't there three SandWing princesses fighting for the throne?
Blister, Blaze and Burn? Why is Thorn the new queen of the SandWings? This is so confusing...

"Queen Thorn," Glory continued for him. "Deathbringer's taking her to Queen Thorn."

Aqua had somehow had Moondrift's dagger and handed it to her.

The hybrid gave the SkyWing a knowing look.

"Hmmm," she said. "Okay."

She wrinkled her snout at Snowstorm. "Alright, penguin head, you can let go of me now."

As Snowstorm did, she nudged his snout gently with hers as if to say, You'll have your time.

Moondrift turned to Soaren. "You. I need to speak with you."

He gulped.

At sunset, Moondrift stood at one of the peaks of Jade Mountain, with Soaren beside her.

The sun's radiating light gradually dimmed as the shining star soon disappeared, with the misty colours of red, orange and purple materialising into the midnight blue as a crescent moon shone, reflecting the sun's light down below the surpassed continent.

Moondrift's eyes sparkled as she glared at the moonlight. She turned to Soaren.

"Why haven't you defended yourself?" She asked, but Soaren knew that wasn't the real reason she asked him here. "You haven't fought, even to protect someone, and you're like a caring dragon judging from your brain."

He shook his head. "I don't think violence is the way. I believe there is another path that will lead to victory, a path that will take you to a future where we are all united...a path where we are all finally at peace. I don't want anymore dragons getting hurt, the way they are hurt now and are still encountering pain that is forcing itself to be felt."

"Three moons, you should hear yourself right now," Moondrift said with an impressed tone.

"Snowstorm would definitely love to hear that, being not a big fan of violence either, he still fights, but for good. He fought to save the ones he loved; if your loved one was being attacked, would you fight to defend them, or cower back like a recreant?"

"I guess when you put it that way," Soaren sighed, "I'll have to choose the first option."

Moondrift nodded. "Thought so. But that wasn't why I asked to meet you here."

Soaren snapped his mouth shut.

"I've seen your mind. I know who you really are." She said.

The SkyWing jumped back without a sound with a bewildered look.

"R-really?" He stuttered. "Did you tell anyone?"

She shook her head sincerely. "To be a mind reader, you need to be trusted with what you have seen or heard in someone's mind. If they want their secret revealed, that's them. But I would never just go to Glory and say, 'Hey Your Majesty, guess what? I've been nosy and obnoxious and read Soaren's mind, and you won't believe who he really is: he's the lost SkyWing! I bet your friends will all ditch you and welcome him instead!'"

Soaren looked at her puzzled. But before he could say anything, Moondrift continued.

"Once, when I was younger, that's how I was like."

He forced himself not to scoff, it was rude at a time like this.

"Nosy?" He asked. "Obnoxious?"

"Pathetic, shy, weird, you name it,"

The SkyWing sighed, remembering the other thing Moondrift had said before.

"What did you mean that all her friends will ditch her for me? And why Queen Glory? I thought she was nice." He scratched his temple.

Moondrift's face fell, then squinted her eyes at his mind.

"Three moons," she sighed, shaking her head. "You really don't have a clue, do you?"

"Um," Soaren said. "No."

"Haven't you learned anything?"

He stayed silent.

"Queen Glory was the replacement for the SkyWing egg in the dragonet prophecy. Your egg. And I think it's time she knew who you truly are."

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