Chapter Seven

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Snowstorm's scales looked as if they had just been polished with the cleanest thing there is.

His scales were a light blue, bluest blue you could ever imagine, and his frosty aqua eyes were the kind of eyes you would look into and immediately know that this dragon was warm hearted on the inside.

He was pretty charismatic for other female dragons to look at and wears a silver bracelet around his left wrist.

Carved in the bracelet was a winter pattern, like snow falling endlessly. Small sapphires were studded along the edges.

Soaren wondered where he'd gotten it. It looked very valuable, like it came from a royal treasury, or something.

He also saw a silver necklace around the IceWing's neck, with one silver circle on it.

The IceWing looked like he was rich, though Soaren couldn't sense that vibe about him.

"And why do you need this?" The IceWing asked, holding up the cactus.

He didn't sound rude when he questioned him, his voice was like listening to a guide when you're meditating. It was soft and gentle.

"Ummm..." Soaren thought shyly, backing away from Snowstorm, who was now glaring at him. "I need it to save father..."

"And who's your father?"

What Soaren wanted to say was, "NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS."

But instead, he said, "An IceWing."

Snowstorm blinked at him, then squinted his eyes at him head-to-talon and scoffed.

"You're not even half IceWing, please tell the truth."

Soaren scowled at him.

Sure, he wasn't part of any tribe other than a SkyWing, but what's so wrong with me having an IceWing guardian who's like a father to me?

"He's not my real father," he said more bravely. "But the way he looked after me, protected me, loved me like I was his real son, how would I not call him my father? After all he did, this juice actually could be the thing that saves him, and I'm not giving up on the only chance to spare his life."

Snowstorm smiled warmly and handed him the cactus. "That's the most beautiful thing I ever heard. You're lucky to have someone like that who cares so much for you." He said the last sentence was a sad tone and looked down.

"Isn't there at least one dragon who cares about you?" Soaren asked.

The IceWing looked up. "Only one." He said dreamily.

Before Soaren could ask who this dragon was, a loud wheeze was let out from one of the cots, then three more amazed gasps.

Soaren and Snowstorm both whirled around to where the sounds were coming from and their eyes grew as wide as all the three moons put together.

Snowstorm's jaw dropped. ""

The SkyWing was speechless.

The two dragons both stared at the four RainWings.

The three injured ones no longer had a single scratch on them. They looked perfectly new.

But the thing that stumped them the most?

The fourth RainWing was alive.

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