Flashback One

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Unknown Pov

"Mistress please, I know this isn't you. I have known you for over two years, why are you doing this?" Nooroo cried, his purple eyes filled with sorrow. I feel like I am betraying him by doing this because he is my best friend but I have had enough of being treated like dirt.

"Nooroo you know why..."

Two years ago

"It is my 13th birthday," I said to myself as I got out of bed. When I got downstairs, I saw a table full of presents, there was at least seven. "You guys didn't need to get me that much". A smile was printed on my face as I started to open the purple wrapped boxes.

"Sweetie there is one more thing we would like to give you," my father said. It was a purple brooch that would look awesome on my beanie. "It's a miraculous, it gives you powers to protect yourself with. He is Nooroo, I would like for you guys to take care of each other", my father pointed to the cutest little thing I have ever seen.

"Hi Nooroo, I'm Cat, it's nice to meet you".

I hugged both of my parents before heading off to school. When I got to school I was looking around for Ema and Paige, my friends.

"Hey, happy birthday Cat!"

"T-thanks Ema, where is Paige," I asked.

"Right here!" Paige called as she jumped in front of us, scaring the living hell out of me.

"Ahhh!! Don't do that! You almost give me a heart attack" Ema said while jumping.

"Sorry, happy birthday Cat!" Paige hugged me.

I had the perfect life, the best family and the best friends. 'This birthday is going to be the best one yet' I thought to myself but little did I know it was going to be the worst. The day went by and it was a great day, apart from the fact that it was raining... Because of the rain, I had to call my parents to pick me up so I didn't have to walk home. After two hours of waiting for my mum and dad to pick me up the rain stopped, so I decided to walk home.

As I walked past Ema's grandparent's bakery, I saw a car that looked like my parent's, wait it was my parents?! I walked up to the police officer and asked what was going on, but she told me that it was nothing too involved me. "Miss I don't want to be rude but this does involve me, that is my parent's car, are they okay?!"

I saw the officer's eyes widen as she looked word-struck, "They are in the hospital". She looked me in my eyes, "I am sorry".

I felt tears in my eyes rise as I the world me felt as if it stopped.

One year ago

"Uncle, can I go to the park with some friends?"

"Have you made dinner and cleaned the house?" My uncle Charles asked smirking. He hates me, he has ever since my parents died, he says I am the reason they died. As much as I want to protest, I can't help but agree, it was my fault. They were in the car to pick me up from school and if they weren't in the car than they never would have died. So it is my fault.

After I did everything Charles told me to do, I went to my room to get away from my uncle. It's not like he physically hurts me but his words cut deeper then any blade could.

"Cat, you need to eat" Nooroo cried as his purple eyes looked into mines, "Here eat this" he gave me his grape, a small smile forming on my face as I know he didn't have a lot of them left.

"Thank you, Nooroo. It's just, I don't want to eat anywhere near that dick". To me, Nooroo is more like a guardian then my uncle.

Present Day

"Nooroo, how about we take the day off," I asked my small friend, which made the small purple kwami smile a smile I haven't seen in a long time.

I missed that smile.

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