Flashback Two

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6 months after Elodie and Abel Myers' death

Cat's Pov

Uncle Charles had told me that if I wanted go get some money I could clean out the storage room he has, normally I wouldn't be allowed to go in his room without getting in trouble but since 'I'm doing something useful for once, it's okay.' The room is like something you would see in a horror movie, where the roof is all old and moldy. There is also boxes everywhere, the grey paint was peeling off the walls and as I take a breath my lungs consumed with dust.

After cleaning the room for hours I was left with only a box to unpack, I don't know why but the box gave me an uneasy feeling and as I looked at Nooroo I could tell I wasn't the only one. "Nooroo only one more box and then I can go to the shops and get you some more grapes," I said as I attempted to remove the tension of the room. The box was filled with photos of my dad, my mum and uncle Charles as kids.

"Cat, who's that?" Nooroo asked as he pointed to a file of photos. The first photo was a picture of my mum and my dad when they were my age with a baby boy, the other two pictures were also of that same baby but he looked older.

"I don't know but the name Liam is written on it on it, so I guess that's his name," I said as I read the letter that was beneath it.

Dearest Cathryn-Ann,

Because you are reading this I am guessing that you have seen the pictures that I had left for you and I bet you are confused to who I am. There are things you don't know about your parents and I am one of them, so if you want to meet me go to this address and ask to see Liam Peter Myers, your brother.

Sincerely, Me.

~~ Magic Time Skip ~~
~~ At Liams House ~~

In front of my so-called brother's house I stood in the middle of a forest, thoughts but me as I panicked, this guy is going to kill me, why else would he want me to meet him in the woods? my thoughts were yelling at me, telling me to turn around and run home as fast as I can but it was too late because someone was already opening the door. "Um hi? I'm Cathryn-Ann Myers, I'm here from Liam Myers, he's my brother, apparently."

"Liam has never mentioned he had a sister?" The ginger questioned me, I rubbed the back of my neck awkwardly, I knew she wanted me to further prove who I claim to be but I can't, I'm not even sure that I am. "Come in, I'll get Liam."

The home was surprisingly beautiful on the inside, it was well decorated and fully furnished which was something I didn't expect from the wooden home. "Mother, who's this?" A girl with blue eyes, ginger hair and gorgeous freckles, asked.

"This is Cathryn-Ann, your... Auntie? Cathryn these are my two daughters Summer and Willow."

"Hi," Willow said shyly while her sister, Summer, just looked at me with a fsce that I know only too well, the face of disgust.

"What's all the racket about?" A older man asked as he entered the room, "Cathy is that you?"

3rd Pov

Cat went to and from Liam's house for a year and life had been great, she loved Claire like a sister and loves to spend time with Willow, Summer not so much. That was until the fire where Liam lost everything and changed for the worst.


1½ years after Elodie and Abel Myers' death

It was A hot summer day in Paris as the sun beamed down on the people as they were sleeping. Well everyone apart from Liam and Cathryn-Ann Myers who had snuck out from their homes to go and see eachother. Cat was finally happy with her life as she had a family again, while Liam was happy to be with his little sister. Both Cat's mum and dad only did see Liam as a burden, something which he was only there to make their life worst and that's why he ran away and that's why Elodie and Abel Myers had decided to never let Cat meet her brother.

Cat and Liam were walking down the street when Liam had gotten a distressed phone call from his daughter Willow, she told him that he needed to go home now because there is a fire. Liam's face turned cold and Cat could tell something was wrong, "Liam?"

"We need to go, now," he yelled as he started running to his home with Cat shortly following him.

When they had both reached the house they were terrified at the sight, the home was born to a corpus as fire trucks and police cars surrouwhistle home in the way which trees once did. Memories flooded Cat's and Nooroo's mind of Cat's parents death while Liam was fearing the worst for his family and he shortly learned, that those fears were right.

~~ Magic Time Skip ~~
~~ Two Weeks Later ~~


iam was surrounded in grief with no one to talk to, his daughters were dead and so was the love of his life. He was trying to find a way, anyway possible to get them back, he wasn't ready to be alone again. It drive him insane, trying to find away to bring back the dead until he did but it involved manipulating the only person he had left.

[Big Bro]; Cat I need you to come to my house, bring Nooroo too.

{KittyCat}; Be right over

When Cat had finally arrived at the house she smiled at the sight of her brother who she thought went rouge on her. "So what was it that you need me here for?"

"I know how to get when back, them all back. Summer, Willow, Claire, even our parents!" Cat frowned, she remember when she tried telling herself that she could get her parents back, she also rememeber that she couldn't and it was a lie to herself.

"There are more miraculous then yours, if you get the ladybug and black cat miraculous then you can make a wish, Cat you would be able to wish them all back!"

"Nooroo is that true?" Cat asked as she looked at her kwami, there were tears in her eyes and she wasn't sure why, maybe it was at the hope of getting her parents back or maybe it was the hurt that Nooroo didn't tell her sooner.

"Yes but it's-" Nooroo started but he was cut off by Cat,

"Then I'm in."

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