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Once I shut the door on Payton I go to my room and start crying again. I have a shower and get changed into my pyjamas and lay in bed. I get my phone and call Esther. She doesn't pick up until I face time her.

"Hey, I was asleep" she says in a tiered voice

"Sorry" I sniffle

"Are you ok" she asks and I almost cry

"No" I say

"Why what's wrong" she asks sounding concerned

"It happened, he cheated on me" I say letting out a small cry

"I sweat to god that son of a bitch it dead. Tell me what happened" she says

I explain everything to her and she tells me how he's a waist of space and I don't need him. Which I guess is true but I want him, he makes me happy and he makes me feel loved for the first time in ages. She ends the call and I guess she talks to Payton, well she probably has ago at him. I manage to fall asleep, I guess crying makes you tiered.

I wake up the next morning and dont do anything. I go on my phone and ignore all my messages from Payton and anyone else that isn't Esther. I watch a bit of tv until I realise its the afternoon. I need to distract myself so I start doing the English presentation. I reminds me of Payton but I do it anyway, I need something to do.

I'm almost finished and I look at the time. Its almost 8pm and I haven't eaten. I'm not really hungry to be honest. I leave my room, everyone is here apart form Payton. I go to the kitchen and the girls follow. I put two slices of bread in the toaster.

"How are you" Maddie asks

"Alright, could be better" I say

"Kaden I'm really sorry" Liv says

"I dont want to hear it. The whole I'm really sorry I dont know what I was thinking when I kissed your boyfriend apology" I says "And I know its not all your fault but I'm still pissed"

"You have every right to be pissed. I just need you to know how sorry I am" she says

"Ok" I say and with that they leave

I get my toast and put whatever I can find on it, which ends up being chocolate spread. I get a plate and stop while I'm in the living room.

"Where's Payton" I ask the boy. They hesitate to answer

"He refuses to come out of his room" Liam says and I scoff

"What a bitch" I say quietly but I'm sure they heard

"He was on the phone to this girl last night" Jordan says and Maddie looks at him like he jut started ww3 "she sounded really angry"

"Probably my friend Esther, she's going to kill him when she sees him next. Which is in like two months when were off next" I say "Anyway bye" I say and walk off

I only manage to eat one slice of toast. I listen to music while I work and pretty much finish the presentation. I get back in bed and watch tv. That's all I do for the fest of the night.

I wake up Sunday and don't do much. I still only text Esther and my mum when she texts me. Esther's pretty sure she will be out by the time I'm back home next. I watch tv until that gets boring. I realise their isn't much to do so I take a nap. I get woken up by people talking.

"She won't want to see you" I'm sure that's Maddie's voice

"But I need to know how she is" Payton says. 'Payton, I miss him. No I dont he's an asshole'

"Ok well she's stayed in her room all weekend and hasn't eaten anything apart from toast yesterday. There you go now leave" she says

"Not with out seeing her" he says

"Fine but its your death wish" she says

Not long after there's a knock at my door. I get out of bed and open my door to be greeted by Payton. I close the door in his face and get back in bed. He comes in my room anyway, what was the point of knocking. I ignore him and go on my phone.

"I'm sorry, I'm really sorry" he says and I ignore him "I don't know what else to say to get you to talk to me" he says

"I don't wan tot talk to you" I say not looking at him "There's a reason why I haven't been talking to you"

"Which is" he questions 'bitch are you dumb'

"Because every time I look or even think about you all I can think about is you and Liv kissing and it hurts. I can feel my heart breaking all over again" I say

"I regret what I did so much but I was drunk and all I was thinking about was the money" he say

"Exactly that's the problem" I say now sitting up "You wasn't thinking about me, you just did it. I can't do this Payton"

"What do you mean" he asks

"I don't want to fight, but I cant be around you" I say

"What are you trying to say" he asks

"I can't do this, I can't do us" I say "I need a little space"

"C'mon don't do this" he says, he looks heart broken but so am I

"Why not, you did this. You cheated" I say

"Because I love you that's why" he says and I'm taken back a bit. 'he loves me'

"Well clearly that wasn't enough was it" I say

"Fine, but I will never stop loving you" he says

"Ok" is all I say

He leaves and I go back to bed. I wake up later that night starving. Everyone is asleep and I go to the kitchen and make some food, not much because I know I wont eat all of it. I get some cereal and a sandwich. I go back to my room and facetime Esther.

"How are you" she asks when she answers

"Better but not the best" I say "We broke up" I say

"Wait you broke up for like good because he said your on a break" she says

"I don't know, we're broken up for now and I don't know if or when we will get back together" I say

"I know you'll make the right decision. Just do what's best for you" she says

"I am. Anyway how's rehab" I ask

We talk for an hour before she goes. I watch tv for a while. I end up going to bed at 3am.

A/n: so they're on a break but how long do you think it will last

Maybe change isn't bad - Payton Moormeier Where stories live. Discover now