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"So she walked in and saw..." Esther trails off

"Yep" I say "I mean I hope not but probably" I'm on the phone to Esther even though she should be at school

"What are you doing today" she asks

"I have no clue, what about you" I ask

"I think my mums looking after my baby cousin. You can come round if you want" she says

"I was going to anyway as soon as you said baby" I say

"Why do you love babies. They are annoying and loud and they cry a lot" she says

"I love them because they love me. Thy don't like you so they cry" I say

"What's there not to like" she says

"Where do I start" I laugh

"Shut up and be here in an hour" she says and hangs up

I finally get out of bed and get dressed. I quickly tie my hair up and don't do any make up. I go downstairs for some lunch and sit in the living room until its time for me to leave. When I get their her mum let's me in and I straight away take the baby out of her arms.

"Omg she's so big now. Lat time I saw her she was like a new born" I say

"That was only six months ago" Esther's mum says

"I know but it seems like for ever ago" I say

"Oh your here, come up stairs" Esther says

"Ok, I'm brining Nova with me" I say

"Take her baby bag with you" he mum says and I pick it up form next the shoe rack.

I go to Esther's room and put the bay bag down. I play with Nova while watching tv. Esther tells me everything that's happened within the last day that I haven't seen her. When she finishes talking she goes to light a blunt.

"No smoking around the baby" I say taking it out of her hand

"Why you so protective, its not your child" she says

"Because you just shouldn't smoke around babies" I say "Its a known thing"

"Its no big deal" she says "She will never know"

"I know but her lungs will when she breaths in the second hand smoke coming from you" I say

"Ok whatever" she says

We watch tv and I take care of Nova. She starts crying and Esther makes me leave because its giving her a headache apparently but I call bullshit. I go back in when Nova's finished crying and sit On Esther's bed. Esther's at her desk on the phone. It takes me a second she on my phone, to my boyfriend.

"Hey give me my phone" I say kicking her out of her seat and she its on her bed. I sit at her desk with Nova on my lap

"Kaden why have you got a baby. Is there something your not telling me" he says

"What no, this is Esther's cousin Nova. Isn't she cute" I say standing her up

"Haha you girlfriends got baby fever" Esther teases

"She better not. No babies for a long time" he says

"I don't want one but they are cute. Anyway I thought you were busy today" I say

"Na plans got cancelled" he says

"Come over bitchass" Esther say

"Esther" I say "Seriously no swearing"

"Is there anything I can do" she says

"You being you so no" Payton says "I'll be over soon" he says and hangs up

I stay at the desk and keep Nova entertained while I watch tv with Esther. When Payton gets here we go downstairs and chill in the living room. I get her to play on her play mat until she gets hungry so I feed and burp her. She ends up falling asleep on my chest and I just leave her there.

"Why are you so good with kids" Payton asks

"I have no clue" I say and Esther's mum walks into the living room

"I'm going out for a few hours" she says

"What you can't leave us here with Nova" Esther says

"Yes I can, she's asleep and Kaden can look after her. I'm sure she doesn't mind" she says

"I don't mind" I say.

Esther's mum gives me a smile and leaves. We watch tv for a while, Nova eventually wakes up and I paly with her a little bit. Payton plays with her and I convince Esther too as well. She really doesn't like kids. I decide that we are going to take her to the park so I get her buggy and baby bag then we're ready to go. We walk to the park and when we get there Jamie and Kai are already there. I sit on the swing next to Payton and Over in her buggy next to me.

"You've been back together what a few days and already have a child" Kai says

"Do you know how pregnancy work. If this was my baby I would have been pregnant for the past nine months dumbass" I say

"Who's child is it" Jamie asks

"My aunts and My mums supposed to be looking after her but Kaden has baby fever" Esther says

"Why does everyone think this is my kid though" I ask

"She kinda looks like you" Payton says

"Really, I don't see it honestly" I say

We talk for a while until Nova starts crying, I take her out of her buggy and play with her around the park. First we go on the swings, then the slide and other things in the park. After an hours or so we leave and go back to Esther's. We stay until her mums back then I go home. I text Payton to come over. We stay in the living room until my mum comes home then we go to my room.

"I'm going to get a drink, you want anything" I ask him

"No thanks" he says

I go get my dink and go back to my room. I put it down on my desk and check my phone that's on charge when I reel a pair of arms wrap around my waist. I turn around and obviously its Payton. He lifts me so I'm sitting on my desk.

"Did you know being good with kids is really cute" he says and I smile

"Really" I say acting like I didn't know this

"Yep, I think we should make one" he says

"I thought you didn't want a baby" I say

"I don't" he says "Doesn't we can't do baby making" he says

"You might have the right idea, but the wrong bitch" I say and he gives me a confused look "No, I wanna watch a movie and cuddle"

"Fine what are we watching" he says walking over to my bed

"Clueless" I say laying next to him

He puts the movie on and I cuddle up to him. We watch some other movies before my mum calls me down for dinner and Payton goes home. When I'm done I go back to my room and watch tv while texting Payton.

I'm doing car stuff with my friend tomorrow but you can still come over if you want

Na I'll stay home

Wanna come over when I'm done

Sure why not

I'm taking you out tomorrow night

Where we going

That's a surprise just dress comfortable

Ok I will

A/n: I finished writing this story. Should I post all of the parts tomorrow? 

Maybe change isn't bad - Payton Moormeier Where stories live. Discover now