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AGAIN LIKE THE last time, while I was about to enter the classroom, Princess handed me something. I took it and smiled before talking.  "Princess, I know you're a good person but," she look at me and I think she have the idea but I need to tell her frankly, I don't want her to assume.  "I think I don't deserve this kind of treatment. Look, I have already Aemieh and I like her more than anyone else. And I know someday you can find the right guy who can love you back." I said in a soft voice and smiled.

I saw how her emotion changed but this was the best way to get rid of her. And I'm just being honest.

Later on she smiled. "Thanks for being honest, Rieux" she said while smiling it has a bit sadness but more on genuine.  "But can I asked a favor?" she asked, I just smile and nodded.  "Can I receive at least one hug to you?" I again nodded. Who am I to not guarantee her request right? I'm not too rude to decline her request.

That's what I did, I hugged her. And she hugged me back.

"Remove your hands to him, he's mine, or else I'll really rip your hands" I heard a threatening voice behind my back. I think she wasn't talking to me but to Princes. Princess disjunct her hands to me so as me.

I turned back to face Aemieh who owned the threatening voice while ago. But what I didn't expect is that Princess just smiled at her.  "He's all yours. And I don't have the intention to steal it away from you" she smiled at Aemieh and looked at me. As if I'll let you steal me.  "Goodluck." she said and drew near to my right ear.  "I think you need that. She looks really scarry." I chuckled on what she said.

She left us while Aemieh on the other hand glaring at me.  "What did she say?"

"Nothing importa—" she cut my words with still glaring at me.

"Nothing important but you chuckled? Don't bvllshit me Rieux." her voice was more on threatening.

"S-She just say good luck to me coz she said I really need it" I said. And thanks god she was convinced. "And she said you really look scarry" I added.

I was about to tease her when I remembered what I did early in the morning. I can feel my cheeks was on its peak. Is this how blush formed? I think so.

"What's wrong with your face?" she asked wondering why I suddenly turn into red.

"N-Nothing" I said. I felt guilt because while I was doing that, I was thinking about her. Fvck.

Sorry, Aem. Sorry. It's your fault you turned-me-on on its limit, anyway.

"Sorry" I apologize.

"If you're talking while ago, it's just ok. But you almost pushed me on my limit." I chuckled, then I saw mr.Panot on his way to our room, so we entered the classroom.

WE WERE AT the canteen while eating. "Didn't you invite Aemieh for lunch?" Loux asked then looked me while chewing his food.

"May gagawin daw. I don't know what it is though." I asked while also chewing my food.

"Maybe she's on a date." Riz said.

"No, she's not" I confidently said. Well, she didn't told me where she was off to, but I'm handsome sure she wasn't going on a date if I'm not her date.

"How sure are you?" Riz again said.

"She's not that type of person" I said surely. We were eating when a group of student captured my eyes, they were entering the canteen when I saw them particularly to Floyd.  "Floyd, Hey." I called and got the attention of the students who were peacefully eating.

Captivated By Her Beauty-THS1 (COMPLETED) Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon