Profound Days

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There are certain days when you just seem to know

that the day will go the way it's meant to go.

When you clearly hear your inner voice

and as the day unfolds it brings times to rejoice.

An underlying feeling that you cannot pin;

realisations that come from deep within.

Everything is right,

or so it seems,

as it feels like the day

is awash with sunbeams.

This can follow a time that's been a little dry

and everything appears to just float by.

Unable to quite grasp all that is out of reach;

a reminder that life isn't always a peach.

It can be called the pit,

also known as the stone,

containing the seeds

to the path we next roam.

Although in order

for this to germinate

there's a time

when you need to acclimate,

so you're ready and willing

to just go with the flow,

to trust all is right

and then come to know,

a synchronicity,

with the feelings you get,

a feeling of peace,

with the unknown, as yet.

A feeling of joy

when the news turns to good,

a feeling of relief

when you are understood.

Excitement rising,

set to explode,

that the end is nigh

from the diverted road.

A newness is coming,

a blank canvas to paint,

an empty space

with no doubts to taint.

A brilliance,

a clearness;

a depth that's so deep,

happiness within the tears that you weep.

The dance of merriment,

the triumphant punch to the air

as you say goodbye

to what was perceived as despair.

It wasn't though,

it was simply a time to reflect

and to treat yourself

to some love and respect,

so you're strong enough

and ready to face

what is ahead,

what is now in place.

Those feelings now settling,

you're back within peace

until such time when

they may just release


as you think of what is ahead,

looking forward

and not filled with dread.

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