The Queen Wasp

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I walked into my garden

and there so plain to see

was a nest created by wasps.

Boy, it put the wind up me!

I checked to see if it was bees

as they are protected

then I could have called a beekeeper

to get the nest collected.


it was a wasp's nest

so I made a call or two

to exterminators to try and sort it out,

which in my heart,

wasn't what I wanted to do.

I listened to what they told me

and the resolution didn't sit right,

I wondered what it was I could do

that was respectful and polite.

The process would make them angry

and quite rightly so.

There had to be a way for me

to just encourage them to go.

I figured out what I would do,

to the Queen I'd speak.

I knew that if she left the nest

it was her, the rest, would seek.

So, I went out to my garden,

my guts were twisting with fright

and I suggested a new place to the Queen

that was safe and out of sight.

I gave her compass directions

and thanked them for coming to stay

and lo and behold, the next afternoon,

the nest had gone away.

I used to see them as a nuisance

and actually held a fear;

now I try to hold a mutual respect

when they come anywhere near.

Even though I was scared of them

I could not exterminate.

I'm glad that the Queen listened to me

and chose to co-operate.

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