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I don't give you no trouble on most days,butIwill today
I have beenholdin' my tongue,
got the right to be in my feels today

'Cause I worked too hard, but I love you way more harder
I done had my share of bein' walked all over,
now I'm smarter

This is the flashback but from Kairos POV

June 28th 2017

Kairo sat with his back against the plush chair in front of his office inside the club. He flipped through all the paperwork and sighed knowing it was going to be a long night, his phone took him out of his trance and when he noticed it was Emily he declined the call before putting his phone on do not disturb, oblivious to the fact that it was his anniversary. This was the routine for Kairo, Emily would call him he would then decline her call before turning his phone off, he wanted to so badly be faithful to Kamiya and Kamiya only but Emily wasn't getting the message.

He told her multiple times he was done with her but it just wasn't processing through her head. Kairo would proceed to block her but Emily had connections damn near everywhere unknowingly to Kairo, so she would simply find another way to reach him. When that didn't work out for her which most of the time it did she would pop out to wherever he was, which was easy for her to do considering she had someone knowing where he was most of the time.

"So you just gone ignore my call Kairo, I thought we were better than that," Emily smirked as she strutted through his office without even knocking. She placed her black knock off Micheal Kors bag on one of the chairs that sat in the corner of the office before heading straight to where Kairo sat behind his desk.

When he saw her coming towards him he pushed himself closer to the desk and folded his arms leaning them on the table. He held a straight face as he watched her come towards him, Kairo was getting annoyed with Emily and her antics, which started off as them just messing around but she was coming far to invested into him than he would like her to be.

"What do you want Emily," He sighed when she took a seat on the side of his desk with her right leg crossed over her left. The little piece of the dress she wore did no justice to Kairo as it raised up her leg even more and more of her thigh started to show, if it had been any higher Kairo was sure he would see her panties, well that's if she had any on in the first place.

"I miss you," She trailed her fingers up her thigh while staring into Kairos eyes. Kairo tried so hard to keep his eyes on Emily's face but couldn't resist for long since he knew what was between her legs. Something in the back of his mind was telling him not to look, not to do what his dick wants because he knew what he had at home was way better than anything that Emily could offer him.

He knew Emily could never compare to what Kamiya did in bed, Emily couldn't even cook a simple meal like pasta let alone anything advanced to what Kamiya cooks, Kairo couldn't understand why he was still stuck on Emily though.

"Emily," He sighed looking down to where his hands were.

"I know you want this," She grabbed his shirt and turned his chair around so he was fully facing her. She continued to pull his chair so he could be directly in front of her with his chair and body in between her legs.

"I know you want this as much as I do," She moves her hand away from her leg and placed them on his dick, she began to move up and down in a slow-motion causing Kairo to get hard.

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