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Lewis' POV

"Guess what?" I asked as soon as I opened the closet door and was met with a death glare from Kayla.

"Jon was accused of kidnapping you and he's been taken away"

Her eyes widened and she tried hard to kick her legs and grunt loudly but nothing happened. I laughed and pointed teasingly at her.

"You're super excited.. You bad bad girl"

She raised a brow, an exasperated expression on her face and I stepped closer to her.

"No one is ever gonna know you're in here and when it's time to leave, we're gonna leave together. We're gonna start a happy little family. Have a baby girl that looks exactly like you....." I trailed off, imagining it. It felt perfect.

"We'll be together without interference soon baby.. I promise"

I kissed her head and then her cheek.

I was about to leave the closet when I heard her stomach rumble aloud and her face contorted.


I had only been giving her water for days. She could use some food now.

"I'll go get you some food, my love. I'll be right back."

I hesitated a little at the closet door and stared at her.

"I love you" I confessed solemnly and she rolled her eyes.

She was still pretending.

I smiled as I locked the closet door and grabbed my wallet.

There was no one in the parlor except Lamar. I nodded at him and walked to the suite door.

I made to open the door when Lamar grabbed my arm and made me turn.

I raised a brow and the next thing he said almost made me pee my pants

"Where's Kayla?"

                  * * * * * * *

Lamar's POV

His face turned extremely pale and I tightened my grip.

"You have her don't you?"

He struggled out of my hold and yelled.

"Are you crazy?"

I grabbed his wrist and showed him the bracelet.

"How do you have this?"

His face contorted and I punched him hard. He shouted, getting knocked backwards and room doors opened.

He flung the door open and ran out. I followed him.

The elevator door was already sliding close when I squeezed in and hit him again. We grunted as we scuffed endlessly and before I could slip the bracelet off his wrist to show Jay and the police as evidence, some sort of fume blew into my face and I lost footing. Everything swam before my eyes before I felt myself falling then I couldn't see a thing.

It was all pitch black.


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