Chapter 4

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"Jesus fucking christ Mom! I don't have any fucking money!"

I screamed at my drugged up Mom as she dug through all of my things. Booze. That's all my parents ever wanted, that or drugs. In this current situation, they had no cash on them and wanted me to go down to the local store to buy some, with my own money of course.

"I know your lying to me Sam!"

My Mom yelled at me, not stopping her search for the money that she'd never find. I had Eli look after most of my money for this exact reason. Plus he said that if he ever accidentally lost it or spent it he would pay me back. I trusted him.

"Tell me where the fuck it is."

My dad grabbed me by my shirt collar, his breathe reeking of alcohol as he spoke.

"I don't fucking have any!"

I spat back in his vile face. It was a lie of course. I had a few bills shoved in my bra for safe keeping. Honestly, it was far too late for this bullshit! It was the middle of the night and I just wanted to go to sleep so I could get up tomorrow and head out to Eli's place again.

Suddenly the back of a large hand made contact with my face, knocking me over and straight onto the floor. My body hit the ground with a deafening thud.

"Don't you fucking lie to us. What about those guys your always hanging around with huh? Your sleeping with them for money, aren't you?"

My Mom sneered at me. She was wrong. None of them paid me.

"Fucking whore."

My Dad sent a powerful kick to my stomach which instantly winded me. I desperately tried to suck in deep breaths but breathing suddenly became a lot harder from the blow. It seemed as if no matter how hard I tried to breathe I just couldn't and my lungs burned because of it.

I watched for a few minutes as my parents continued to tear apart my excuse for a bedroom. They literallly were wrecking everything. My mattress and sheets had been thrown from the bed frame, my draws all hung open with the clothes tossed all over the room. They'd even gone as far to lift up the carpet and open up all of the pages of my books, desperate to find the stashed cash. I slowly stood, clutching my stomach.

"Why can't you be normal fucking parents?"

I yelled over at them both, not even bothering to think about their reactions. There were always consequences in my house.

"Oh shut up Sam! Your lucky we even let you live here, you know that?"

Oh right, yeah Mom cause I want to be here aswell. This was why I preferred to stay at Eli's house with the other guys. They were way more chilled then my parents ever had been.

"I don't know why your still looking! I. HAVE. NO. MONEY!"

I spoke loud and clear, hoping to get my words through at least one of their thick skulls but they only came towards me. I cowered into the corner, not wanting to receive any more blows.

"You should fucking respect us Sam."

My Father growled at me. Although his voice was softer and quieter, for some reason it was way scarier than five minutes ago. There was something about his sudden calmness that freaked me out. It wasn't natural.

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