Dec. 31

545 20 102

December 31. 10:31am.

DollyLlama is now online.

DollyLlama: last day of 2020!!

UndeadFox is now online.

UndeadFox: I am SO done with 2020, tbh

DollyLlama: yeah me too

DollyLlama: not even sugarcoating it: it sucked

UndeadFox: Yes, it really sucked

UndeadFox is typing...

UndeadFox: My sister says the only good thing about 2020 is that Taylor Swift releasesd Cruel Summer as a single in July

DollyLlama: (ngl i dont listen to taytay)

UndeadFox: (I listen to a few songs but only very occasionally. Unpopular opinion but reputation is my fav album.)

DollyLlama: (do not know enough about ts albums but i trust your judgement)

DollyLlama: anyway

DollyLlama: 2021 please don't suck

UndeadFox: Yeah, hope the rest of this decade won't suck as much as the beginning

DollyLlama: u doing anything today?

UndeadFox: Not particularly

DollyLlama: my mind has been in a haze since christmas

UndeadFox: The limbo between Christmas and New Year's is real

DollyLlama: i don't even remember what i had for lunch yesterday-

UndeadFox: It's embarrassing to admit, but yeah, me too

DollyLlama: huhuhu it's your birthday soon, right?

UndeadFox: Yeah :)

DollyLlama: 5th of jan

DollyLlama: so old lmao

UndeadFox: I'm literally older than you by just nine months

DollyLlama: yes a very significant difference

UndeadFox: ... I'm beginning to doubt your definition of "significant"


You have 2 new messages from Llama ;0.

"foxie i am officially bored and i want to do sth"

"u have any ideas?"

Sent: 3:13pm

Received: 3:13pm


You have a new message from Foxie ;P.

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