Feb. 12

793 22 86

February 12. 8:04am.

DollyLlama is now online.

DollyLlama: ah yes, tis the last school day before valentines

DollyLlama: a sad sad day for sad single people

UndeadFox is now online.

UndeadFox: I don't understand how some of these freshman are already dating seniors

UndeadFox: like they've known them for 5 months?? And that age difference tho

DollyLlama: yeah tru but not judging lol

UndeadFox: Yeah people can do whatever they like

DollyLlama is typing...

DollyLlama: oh no I justsaw my crush

DollyLlama: im PANICKING

UndeadFox: Oooh, the cool gurl?

DollyLlama: YES HER

DollyLlama: her hairs down today and HWKODIWJDAEJD

DollyLlama: wow shes beaiyiful apxowijcjwjcja

DollyLlama: my palms are sweaty legs spaghetti

DollyLlama: wjjxjwjdamsj my hearts beating really fast rn

UndeadFox: Ohhh... you don't feel like you're okay lol

DollyLlama: i am NOT

DollyLlama: even REMOYELY

DollyLlama: ok

DollyLlama: wow she looks so cool in a leather jacket

DollyLlama is typing...

DollyLlama: (and yeah i saw at least three ppl with leather jackets so have fun guessing lmao)

UndeadFox: Lmaoo you're a total mess

DollyLlama: yes.

DollyLlama: all my friends are making fun of me now

DollyLlama: theyre trying to force me to ask her out

DollyLlama: no WAY

UndeadFox: :00 Why not?

DollyLlama is typing...

DollyLlama: beCAUSE she prob doesnt even know i exist lol

UndeadFox: Didn't u say u knew her in middle school?

DollyLlama: yEAH but we havent talked much tbh

DollyLlama is typing...

DollyLlama: and im prob out of her league anyway

DollyLlama: im 99.9% sure she thinks im a creep and a weirdo

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