Jan. 5

543 23 26

January 5. 8:12am.


UndeadFox is now online.

UndeadFox: Thank you!

UndeadFox: [heart]

DollyLlama: [heart] [heart]

DollyLlama: check the cupboard first break!

UndeadFox: Okie!

DollyLlama: oh no now my friends are asking why im so hypedup on second day of school

DollyLlama: usually i look and act like a zombie

UndeadFox: Lmaooo

UndeadFox: Sorry, gtg

UndeadFox: Friends talking to me

DollyLlama: ohh

DollyLlama: ttyl!

DollyLlama: enjoy your bday :))


January 5. 12:43pm.

UndeadFox is now online.

UndeadFox: Ok I finally have the time to reply sorry for the delay

UndeadFox: I LOVE YOUR GIFT SM!! Thank you!! [heart] [heart]

UndeadFox: That purple bracelet is really cute, aaand you remembered my fav colour as well :DD

DollyLlama is now online.

DollyLlama: OHHHH glad you like it!! :D

DollyLlama: did you notice the fox charm?

UndeadFox: YEAH it's just adorable

UndeadFox: anbxjwhxjwjs I hope this wasn't expensive

UndeadFox: It feels kinda expensive?

DollyLlama: nahhhh its not expensive

DollyLlama is typing...

DollyLlama: my * ahem * connections allowed me to get a discount :P

UndeadFox: Ohhhh? Your connections? :0

DollyLlama: yes for a llama im quite charismatic

UndeadFox: I see I see

DollyLlama is typing...

UndeadFox: Wow now I feel bad I got you so little for your bday

DollyLlama is typing...

DollyLlama: no!! dont say that i love ur browniess

UndeadFox: Yes but that gift was so... idk impersonal

DollyLlama: didn't we know each other for like literally three days back then

DollyLlama is typing...

DollyLlama: sooo it's okayy foxie:))

UndeadFox: hhhhmmmm

UndeadFox: You know WHAT I'm going to give you another gift

DollyLlama is typing...

UndeadFox: to make up for the mediocre one I got you

DollyLlama is typing...

DollyLlama: it's not mediocre!! you don't have to

UndeadFox: Oh so I don't HAVE to

UndeadFox: but that means I can still do it, right?

DollyLlama is typing...

DollyLlama: ...

DollyLlama: waiT

DollyLlama: ok its now illegal to give me yet another gift bcz the old one is alr good

DollyLlama is typing...

DollyLlama: (not that making things illegal has ever stopped u)

UndeadFox: huh

UndeadFox: I'm going to give you a New Year's gift anyway

DollyLlama: a what?

UndeadFox: New Year's gift

UndeadFox: we exchange gifts to celebrate New Year

UndeadFox: new tradition that I totally did not make up three seconds ago

DollyLlama is typing...

UndeadFox: AND you don't need to get me anything

DollyLlama is typing...

UndeadFox: Bcz my bday is close to New Year's

DollyLlama: ok foxie what is that logic lmao

UndeadFox: You know how ppl who have bdays in December only get one gift bcz Christmas? Yeah, it's that but with New Year's

DollyLlama is typing...

UndeadFox: So DON'T get me anything

DollyLlama: I-

DollyLlama is typing...

DollyLlama: no i do not accept this i will get u sth if u get me sth

DollyLlama: ill argue with u buT mystupod friends are forcing me tostop texying

DollyLlama: thIS isn't over foxie

DollyLlama: mark my words

DollyLlama is now offline.


A/N: UwU it's Bree's birthday! :DD

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