chapter I

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Genesis Malloy POV

I stand at the front of the class of 27 year 12s. I continuously ring my sweaty palms to ease my nervousness. I do not like being the new girl, especially now that I am in year 12. But fortunately this while be my last time standing in front of a class and being introduced as the new girl.
My eyes flick nervously across the back wall of the lab. Looking everywhere but not connecting with anyone. My light bag pack is swung across my slightly slanted left shoulder and I keep shifting my weight from foot to foot.
Mr Garrett, tells them little about me. My family moved from the riverine only a couple of years ago.
My gaze is suddenly drawn to intense green eyes like emeralds. This sudden eye contact unnerved me which makes me more self conscious than I already am.
I try to shift my gaze elsewhere, but I'm at a standstill, I can't seem to tear my gaze away.
He is in uniform, like the rest of the class. The grey trousers, white shirt and red striped tie hanging at an awkward angle around his neck.
To my immense relief, Mr Garrett assigns me a seat next to a beautiful olive skinned, thick long black haired girl.
"Hi there, my names Gianna." She quietly introduces herself and I confirm her Italian decent.
" Thank you, nice to meet you Gianna." I politely reply.
The rest of my first day passes in a blur and I start to panic when I realise that I don't really know the way back to the girls dormitory.
" Are you lost? Would you like me to help?" Gianna says from behind me and I'm flooded with relief.
I hand her the schools map and she squeals excitedly. She doesn't really look like she's a squealer, she looks more reserved but I guess I'm in for a ride.
"Looks like we are roommates!" She gushes. " I couldn't bare living my last year without one, all the other girls have one and I'm left to band with myself." She pouts.
The architecture of the school is stunning and is my type of stunning.  The buildings look elegantly Gothic and it really has me thinking that I might be on the set of Harry Potter. We approach our house HOUSE OF  TRANQUILITY
Is engraved on the corner of the house. Gianna opens the door of the Victorian styled house. There's a staircase starting a few feet away from the door and Gianna Leds me through one of the doors left of the stairs.
" This is the common room, well more like the living room. And that over there is miss  Mara, she's our house matron and prepares our meals." She says pointing at a dark haired kind looking lady.
We climb up the stairs and she point she shows me an office looking room.
" This is Mrs Huddleston's office, she runs the dorms activities and she's a mean old lady" she says with a crunched up face which makes me laugh hard. I think we are going to be great friends.
" I'm telling you she's mean to everyone except her select 5, no one knows where those kids come from and they are such a close knit bunch, never allowing anyone in their little circle." She says with exaggerated jealousy.
" You should see them, they are crazy good looking, the whole lot of them and they are always together.  Rarely seen apart. The weirder part is that they don't talk to anyone ever. Not even the teachers except Mrs Huddleston."
We arrive to ' our room' and I already love it. Two beds in the opposite sides of the room. Charcoal grey walls, white ceiling and dark brown bricked wall in one corner of the room. I can already see Giannas' side decorated with posters of many female models like Gigi Hadid and many others.
Her single bed dropped in a fluffy white comforter and a black pillow.
" it's not much but I hope you love it as much as I do, we have one of the best rooms actually," she whispers the last part ad though someone might hear us.
My luggage is already propped in one corner of the room. I think I'm going to like it here.

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