chapter VII

17 3 1

Genesis POV

It had been... electrifying. But also enlightening.
I knew now what happened to us, what was happening.  He had been right. It was the soul mate principle.

So we're soul mates, Lange and I.
After my mother told me that I was half vampire and half human, she also explained to me about soul mates, though then I was vaguely interested.
My vampire side of me would start manifesting as soon as I turned 18, which would be 3 months from now.
I had grown up a normal human girl, the only attributes I had of a vampire were my astonishing looks and body. Apart from that I was absolutely normal.  Growing up with only my mother as my vampire father had disappeared immediately I was born.

" hey are you okay?" Gianna asks as she walks towards the seat next to mine for AP biology.
" I don't even know how I can put this in the right words...," I stop midsentence as the whole class goes quiet and gazes at the door.

Entering the class is the most eerie person I've ever seen. Platinum blonde hair, wide grey eyes that look like they've seen all of history and knows you're just a little part of it. That... " big picture " look. As if he were beyond stupid human things.

He's an old soul.

"Welcome to Wheatley academy of the sciences and the arts Mr Archer Redfern." Ms Somerhalder says while looking down at the papers in front of her.
" you can seat next to Conrad," she gestures towards Conrad's seat who doesn't look too happy about sharing his space.

Hope you like it so far, I dunno if the plot is moving to fast though, but I love it !!!

" it's all happening too fast! I mean two new arrivals within two days?! We have to contact circle daybreak about the prophecy as soon as possible,"  I hear a female voice say in a hushed tone in the toilet stall next to the one I'm in.

"Okay. I'll call you later, but don't forget to tell the council. " and I hear the door quickly open and close with a bang, I slightly open my door to see whoever that was but I'm a little late as I only see dark brown hair sashaing away in our uniform.  It'd be impossible to identify whoever that was as the school was filled with girls with dark brown hair and the uniform only made it worse.

I've seen a lot in all my seventeen years of being alive, I've seen shape-shifters, vampires, witches and even one angel.. but I've never seen an old soul. Only in the books my mother bought me to keep me aware of my vampire heritage and the different sects of the paranormal world. I've read about the night people and circle daybreak.

So this school must be crawling with supernatural kids of all types. Just when I was seeking some normalcy in my life.
I'm snapped out of my reverie by the Bell, indicating my next class, the class physics.
" where we're you all this time!" Gianna questions. "You didn't finish telling me about you- know- what," she says the last part in a whisper which makes me giggle.
" okay okay, let's get to class first, I'll tell you there." There too many people in the hall way so well sit at the back of the lab and talk.


Gianna's mouth hangs open from what I've told her. Meaning I also told her about me being half you- know- what. Though I'm not exactly sure what L'ange is. Only that we had a weird encounter, one that humans cannot experience.

" Gianna are you okay?" I ask genuinely concerned as she has not blinked or said a word for what seems like ages now.
" so all those movies I've seen on TV like twilight, vampire diaries, all the books I've read about witches and wizards all that is real... I've lived a lie," she says absent-minded.

" well on the bright side, at least you know now," I say awkwardly.
" but take this to you grave", I say quietly.

Conrad strides in the class with his hand around Amber's waist. It feels like ages since the day Amber tried to scratch my face off. And I feel nothing but sympathy towards her as her so called boyfriend is a jerk.

Conrad passes by Archer and hits him in the head. Archer only bends his head lower and tightens his fists.
" you know what Genesis, I think we should be friends with Archer. I mean the poor guy hasn't talked to anyone since he got here! Let's invite to sit with us at lunch," Gianna says sympathetically while looking at the old soul.
Lange walks in and glides toward the front seat in the lab, not sparing me as much as a glance.

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