chapter II

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L'ange Thorpe POV

Her name is Genesis Malloy, she has curly long red hair to her waistline, porcelain white skin and intense grey eyes. But this is not why I can't take my eyes off her. There's something else. Something almost.... disturbing. It's this unearthly element that's got me hooked. She stands awkwardly at the front of the class. Her unusual eyes never leaving the back wall of the lab. She is wearing a white long sleeved t-shirt, black skinny jeans and heavy looking black boots.
Looks like I'm not the only one interested. That bastard Conrad has eyes on Genesis too.
But his eyes are fixed in a leering manner, the corner of his mouth curved in a smirk, invitation written all over him. God he's so obvious!. Briefly I glance at Amber Preston, class bitch and Conrad's human girlfriend.  I know for sure that all is not well in that camp.
Conrad recently joined our rebellion. I don't trust him one bit, I already warned Mrs Huddleston  ( her human alibi) about it and she just says we should give him a try at least.
Conrad is one of those blatantly rude,in your face thugs that can make your life a misery ( unfortunately for the humans ) and does so just for kicks.
And this is one of the many reasons I don't trust him in our rebellion. Though he claimed to have changed.
Amber notices Conrad's interest in the new girl,and registers the threat instantly, something basic enough for her singularly focused mind to comprehend.
I decide to probe Genesis' mind, but it seems there is something blocking me from entering her head. Right now she looks flustered as if she might drop to the floor any second now. I concentrate harder but I can't seem to penetrate that blockage. And the strange part is, she doesn't seem to be doing it, heck I doubt she's even aware of what's happening right now. I glance at Conrad to see if he's doing it. Well if he's actually blocking me he's doing an excellent job at it because he doesn't seem to exude any force.
I immediately decide to leave it for later. The poor girls probably exhausted.
When the classes are over Rose, Raphaël, Mikhail and Conrad all get up and come in my direction.
" some new girl she is, and a hottie as well," Conrad says. Honestly Conrad's blatant sexuality sickens me.
"Well you better shut your mouth or I'll do it for you! Heck you disgust me Conrad. " I say seething.
"Whoa there, relax Mr rebel angel l'ange, she's just a human and since when do you care! You of all people ."
I stiffly get up from my sit, and leave the others behind, Conrad drives me mad I swear.
Just when I leave the class, I see Genesis standing in the middle of the bustling students rushing to go to their houses.
I stand deciding whether or not I should talk to her, I decide against it when I see Gianna approach her.
I quickly run into the nearest clearing, and decide to take some air.

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