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You jump off the train and enter the crowd that's filling the whole station.
One last deep breath and you leave your old life behind, ready to start a new one.
Today, right now is the time.

You waited for this moment since you graduated in your small hometown. You waited for the day you could finally live in the great city, being part of something bigger than a single human life.

A smile appears on your face, wide and open, ready to face whatever could possibly stand in your way. Ready to be kind to everyone, always grateful for what happens.
You don't know where this optimism suddenly came from, but you don't mind.
Maybe because you finally get to see something else than always the same few streets.

You're on your way to one of the exits next to you as you hear someone cry.
You look around and see a blond little girl, probably around seven standing alone by one of the benches.
Again you look around, trying to figure out what happened or where her parents are.
A minute later you still have no clue what made her this sad, so you simply decide to fulfill your latest intentions of being a nice human being through helping her.

You quickly make your way to her and get on your knees, so you can look her in the eyes. You reach for her hands and start talking to her with your softest voice.
You have to ask her a few times what happened, combined with telling her that everything will be alright as much as often, till she slowly calms down.
Still sniffing she tells you how her father disappeared right in front of her eyes and she was lost in the crowd.

You smile at her and tell her how brave she is and that it was the right choice to stay where she lost him. But it still didn't seem to be useful for the reunion with her dad.
You decide that you should take her to one of the information terminals you saw in the grand hall. After you told her that you would quickly find her dad she looks you in the eyes and this time you see hope instead of tears in hers.
Finally a little smile flashes over her face as she nods and grabs your hand.

You get to the terminal and after a few minutes of waiting, talking about her favorite animal (a sloth ) and a brand new braid for her (yes you are good at braiding, don't ask ) the nice lady finally calls out your number.

You explain how you found her and ask if it is possible to make announcement to let her father know where she is.
Of course it is possible and the women takes the little girl inside the terminal. She thanks you for the help and tells you that you are no longer needed, but in a friendly way.

You nod wave her goodbye as you eventually continue your way to the exit.
As you are leaving the station you realize that you didn't even ask for the name of the girl and because you didn't hear any announcement you won't get to know it.

But still you leave smiling, you know for sure, you helped someone. You managed to comfort a little girl you never saw before and probably never see again (?). You know some hotels you can check in until you found an apartment to rent. You've got enough money to survive until you found a place to work at.
Everything will work out fine for you.
You can feel it.

You have a plan.

I hope you liked the first chapter, although we all know we'll see her again ;)

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