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As you finally arrive in his room, Jeremy has simply fallen onto his bed. He's staring up at the ceiling, still completely dressed.
You shake your head and silently approach him.

„Hey Jeremy", you whisper, trying not to scare him. „Jeremy, can you hear me? Come on, at least take your boots off!"
You aren't sure if he heard you, but after a few seconds of silence he finally reacts. You watch your boss slowly sitting up before he starts to undress himself. But his hands are still shaking, he can't even pull the zipper to get out of his boots. You smile sadly and hurry to help him.
After a short while he seems steady enough to get out of his shirt and trousers on his own so you take his boots and go to make him some tea and get some painkillers ready, just in case.

On your way back, you quickly take a look to see if Ava is alright. The little angel is peacefully watching her movie, cuddling with too much, too big stuffed animals. You can't help but smile, glad that she didn't notice anything. Just as you're about to sneak out again, she notices you and turns around.
„Is Daddy alright?", she asks and you can see that she's worried, maybe just a little but enough to keep her thinking.
You let your smile grow and nod.
„Yes princess, everything is okay. He's just really tired again. Don't you worry about it and enjoy your movie, I'll take care of him, deal?"
You look at her, hoping that she'll agree.
She smiles and looks at you for a second before she turns back to the screen.
You think you can hear a silent „Okay Chip, I trust you" but aren't sure if you just imagined it.
She's already too concentrated on the squirrels chasing each other to notice your sigh as you eventually emerge the room.

You return to Jeremy's room, who has finished changing and is now laying under the covers, his hands pressed against his head. His body is still shaking from time to time, but not as much as when he arrived. You carefully place the tea on the nightstand and sit down next to the bed.
As he notices your presence, Jeremy turns around and opens his eyes. He just silently looks at you.
You wait another minute before you start to talk to him again.

„Jeremy, please... I'm glad you got so far, but you haven't made a sound since you rang the bell. And to be honest, you're not looking good, not at all... What the hell happened?", yours ask him and after a short pause you add, „please just tell me..."
To your surprise he sits up again and this time, his eyes are clear. But only for a moment before they fill with tears and he breaks down on your shoulder.
You feel helpless, only able to hold him tight and stroke his back, hoping to make it even slightly better.
But then, between his cries, he eventually starts to speak. It's hard to understand him, but thanks to your work with kids you get what he's saying.

„I... I didn't want to, didn't mean to... do this... hurt her... Ava... hurt anyone... Can't remember... What happened? Just know ... really drunk.. got home... sorry, so so sorry..."

You realize that he really has no idea what he did that evening, but whatever it was, he most definitely regrets it. Since you won't be able to get anything out of him today, you just stay with him, trying to comfort him, listening to his apologies and promising that everything will be okay.
You get him to take a few sips of the tea every now and then.
Later, as you bring the mug back to the kitchen, you notice that it's one Ava apparently crafted sometime before.it says „I love you to the ground and back", a sloth drawn next to it. You smile. They're just too cute.
You hope that everything will be alright the next morning.

As her movie is over, you take Ava to say goodnight to her father, but Jeremy is already asleep. At some moment when you didn't pay attention, the dogs snuck in and curled up next to him. Ava smiles and let's you bring her to bed without any protest. You tuck her in, happy that she didn't ask any questions. Smart little lady. You sing her a good night before you finally turn out the light and leave the room of the already sleeping princess.


So I finally got my lazy ass to write again. Yay
Expect more to come, I have great plans
But please comment here what YOU would like to read

soon also updating the everdair, I promise

That's it for today, thanks for reading

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