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"Chi-ip! "
You follow the high voice, trying to get not too fascinated by all the pictures hanging at the wall and decorations that seem to be wherever a little space was left.
You smile and try to figure out where Ava did go. She left you and quickly walked through the rooms. You aren't as used to to the place as she is and don't know where she plans to go, so you can only slowly try to get after her.
Gladly the little girl shouts your name every now and then, so you have something that helps you to find your way.

Suddenly you stand in a room, that makes you feel like you traveled into the dreams of a princess. It's a great chamber filled with light and warm pastel colors.
Somehow it has something if an rainbow, as if whoever picked the furniture and colors couldn't decide on what theme to choose.
There is a giant bookshelf, looking old and gorgeous, but also, in a corner, a jungle pops up, full of stuffed animals with giant leafs over too many pillows to count them.

You guess that you entered Ava's room now.
Truly a little princess...
You smirk. Then you look around another time to catch more details.
You realize many cute little decorations, much pink and more and more stuffed animals.
You smile again.
Then you see Ava jumping out of her hiding place behind her big bed.

"What are we going to do now Chip? ", she asks with her innocent big puppy eyes.
"I don't know... ", you answer, "What would you like to do? "
She seems to think about it for a while, then she smiles.
"I want do something that makes Daddy really happy and also proud! ", she tells you full of enthusiasm. Then she adds almost to quiet to hear it: "The last few days he was always a little sad and so tired... "

You wait a few seconds to not interrupt her, if she wanted to say more, but it seems like he had nothing more to say.
So you take over the situation again, you can't see this angel sad!
"Okay, we'll let him sleep and make something really special for him, okay? Just tell me one thing he likes, an animal or something , one thing he likes to do and something he loves to eat, then I'll make a plan, right? "

She nods. A smile starts flashing on her face again."We love sloths, making music and cake! Ohh, and can we craft something? Please? "
"Of course we can! I've already got an idea of what we're going to do, little princess... "

Ava cheers, than she tells you to follow her up the crafting room.
Yes, they actually have a room just for creative work!
You smile and pick up everything you know you will need.
And then, you go to work .

Hello again everyone.
This one is really short I know...
But it would have been extremely long if I didn't make the cut here and maybe I have to cut it again.
It will be a while till the next chapter from now on, because school is starting to get harder already.
I really try my best to make one chapter every two days, but please don't be mad at me if I don't get it.
I'm really sorry.
You'll hopefully hear from me soon

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