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Then the doorbell rings again and you hurry to open it.

You sigh in relief. It's Jeremy, finally! Your are so happy, you would hug him if there weren't still the distance of only knowing him that long.

But then you notice something else that makes your smile freeze and your happiness is gone again.
"Jeremy ", you hiss. "What the hell happened? "

He looks bad, really bad. Note beaten-up-bad, but not just-tired-bad too. Not at all. You look at his hands, they're trembling. His whole body shivers uncontrolled. What did he do? What could make him let his daughter get home alone, being unreachable at the phone and coming back home way too late? And like this?

Then you look him in the eyes, ready to yell at him how bad this could have ended for Ava, all the things that could have gone wrong! You know you may not be in the position for that, but you care about her, damn you love the little girl and definitely won't let her get hurt, no matter who's fault it is. You're really angry, but then you suddenly stop. You see sadness in his eyes. He's trying to hold back tears, seemingly desperate about something.

You just stand there. He doesn't answer your question, he's just staring at you with this sad eyes, looking like he would collapse any second. He really looks done. You don't know what to do or say. And he has the same problem as it seems.

You sigh and decide to get him in as he suddenly falls forward. That came out of nowhere, but you managed to catch him. You are not extremely strong, but fit enough to keep him standing.

Again you can't do anything for several minutes. Then he gets his strength back and stands on his own feet again. His head resting on your shoulder, he starts to speak.
"I'm so sorry, really... I'm sorry... I didn't want to... ", his voice breaks and you can hear the tears in it.

Still confused and overwhelmed by the situation you stroke his back and try to calm him down with several tries of "It's okay " and "You'll be alright ". Then you whisper, afraid any loud sound could break him.
"It's okay. Can you make it to your room? I'll take care of Ava and come to you as soon as possible. Can you do it? "

He nods and stumbles into the house. You see that he left his bag outside. You pick it up to take it inside, you'll bring it to him later. You're suprised how heavy it is, but you accept his privacy and don't look.
You put it down next to the jacket Jeremy just left there and hurry back to Ava.

She is still crafting, the typical African outfit is now in the company of an inuit dress and some Indian clothes. You smile at her progress and are very happy about the fact that she's so open to the worldwide diversity of culture. But now you have to find a good way to tell her what is going on.

She looks up, asking. "Who was that? "
You sigh and start to explain.
"Hey princess, your Dad just got home from work I guess. But he's really done, I don't know what happened but he didn't look good. Would it be okay for you to watch a movie, while I look after him for a while? I'll join you as soon as I can. "

She smiles. Her cute, open, perfect little smile. You've never known someone so kind. She nods and says : " Of course! My dear Chip, as your princess I make it your mission to take care of my Daddy! But first you prepare everything so I can watch that squirrel movie again! " She acts like someone giving orders. Then she presses her little hands on her mouth and giggles for a while.

You can't help but chuckle too, as you go to the kitchen and take some popcorn. Then you go to their little cinema. You still can't believe it exists. She's already sitting there , cuddled up in a pink blanket. You give her the popcorn and start the movie.
One last look over your shoulder and you smile at the little girl that definitely owns your heart.

Then you walk out of the dark to take care of the other member of the Renner family. And he probably needs you more at the moment.

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