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Smiling you look at the picture standing at your desk. You took it that afternoon a week ago. Exactly at the moment Ava handed the crafted sloth to Jeremy. He seemed extremely happy and you were able to catch this two little sunshines in one frame.
Between them you can see the cake. It's the perfect picture.

You had wrapped the original and a copy for the two Renners, laying them under the pillows as they were at school and work. In the evening of that day a lot of happy noises were audible in the mansion. Loudly thrilled ones from Ava, suppressed cute ones as Jeremy found his and the quiet proud ones from you, glad that the suprise worked and caused happiness in this family you would take care of from now on.

In conclusion, you all ended up with having one of the pictures standing at the desk from each one of you. Your smile widens at this thought.
Soon Ava will come home from school and you will spend the rest of the day creating new outfits for the dolls you made out of paper. A little old fashioned, only flat girls with flat dresses, but Ava likes them.

At the moment you are busy cutting out new tops, skirts, dresses, trousers and accessories. Ava was thrilled as you presented her your new "models". You wanted to teach her to be open minded and keep a kind heart, so you took women, and a few men, of all sizes and races. It took a lot of work and time, but looking at her happy face it was definitely more than worth it. But cutting out the new clothes was still a little exhausting. Happily it is fun so you like to do it.

The doorbell rings. Strange. Jeremy has a key and Ava should come with him. Also you weren't expecting anything or anyone to arrive today...
Still you hurry through all the rooms to open the door. Gladly you quickly learned to find your orientations in this huge house. But you are spending most of your time in the crafting room, library, kitchen and Ava's room anyway.

You reach the door and open it. First you think no one is there but then you look down and see that it's Ava. And you always wondered how stupid these guys in movies are...
But then it hits you. There's no car. No Jeremy.

You force your smile back on your face and hug your little princess. Then you close the door after her and make sure her clothes are at their places. She already ran to the crafting room to see the fashion of today.
You can hear a happy squeak. You smile and hurry to join her.
She already got the glitter boxes and other decoration tools, ready to start.

You craft in silence for about ten minutes. Ava creates a typical African dress in earth colors and adds some golden glitter. You are working on a traditional dancing outfit as ballerinas wear it, not pink but green. And there are flowers and leaves placed all over it. You like it and and as Ava shows you her masterpiece and you show yours, both of you are more than satisfied with your work.

Then you finally allow yourself to ask the question that's waiting since she arrived here alone. You didn't want her to be afraid because of nothing, but Jeremy wasn't answering your messages, so you had to find out what was going on through asking Ava.

"Wonderful, you did a great job! I think your dad will be really proud of you. Talking about him, do you know where he is? And how did you come home without him? "
Ava has already started the next outfit, but answers you while coloring a top.
"Dad called at the after school care and told them to send me home. I had to use the bus. But no problem, I did that before. He's probably still working. I am sure he will come back soon. "

You smile a little while she uses all her concentration on her top. Little self-confident warrior princess. But still you wonder why Jeremy didn't tell you about it.
Then the doorbell rings again and you hurry to open it.

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