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A voice suddenly disturbs your fun.

You sit up in a rush and look around to figure out who that was. It sounded kinda angry, so you are afraid what will happen next.
You see a man coming to you, he looks somehow dangerous and something else, but you're not sure what it is.
And some part of your brain recognizes him, but you can't figure out who it is.
He seems familiar and unknown at the same time. Strange...

Neither do you know what to do nor what to say.
Ava doesn't seem to be afraid in any way.
She jumps up, laughs and runs toward the man.
As she start to scream "DADDY!" in the purest voice as possible your tension eternally releases.

You get up and walk to them.
"Look, Daddy, that's Chip! ", Ava tells the man before you can introduce yourself to him. You laugh and poke her.
"I thought we agreed that only you are allowed to call me this! ", you say in a fake disappointed voice.
"I know, but", she tries to contradict.
"It's okay", you appease her.
"Anyway, nice to meet you...? Sorry, even though Ava is quite a chatterbox, I don't know your name. "

"Yes she is. My name is Jeremy, but may I ask who you are? " He raises an eyebrow but keeps smiling.
The tocsin in the back of your head rings again. You know him! Definitely! But how?!
You realize that you already waited too long with your answer. Ava seems to think the same, because she answers in your place.

"That's Chip! As I said! Do you remember when I got lost at the station? Chip was the one who saved me! I told you! I just didn't know a name... " Apparently that's everything she wanted to say because she smiles again. Then she turns around and runs back to the swings that are free again.

You are left with this more or less unknown man and your still ringing alarm bells. How awkward! But if Ava is the daughter from him, he can't be bad at all. So you decide to trust him.
"Yes, that's right. But I didn't save her. I just helped a little bit. " You allow yourself a shy smile.

"Of course my name is not Chip, I don't know how Ava came up with it, but it's okay if you want to call me that too. I work in the crafting shop over there and accidentally walked through the park on my way to the hotel. Then I saw her and we ended up playing. I promise I don't want to harm her! You can ask my boss and someone in the hotel, I'm a real person, not a phantom that wants to kidnapp your daughter! ", you try to explain. You stop and realize that you talked to much. That makes you even more suspicious. How stupid!

"I didn't say anything like that. I didn't even think about it ", Ava's Dad says and smiles.
"I just would like to thank you for what you did for my princess at the station. No matter if it was saving or only a little help. I really thought she got kidnapped or something. I don't often use trains and maybe I didn't prepare her right. " He sighs. You can see the regret in his eyes. He must have been really worried.

But then he shakes his head and the sorrow is gone."Did you say you live in a hotel? ", he asks concerned.
"Yes, isn't that cool?! But a little sad too... But the job is absolutely cool! Daddy, can we visit the shop? Maybe now? Please... "
Ava suddenly popped up between you. Seems like swinging alone is boring.
Jeremy laughs. "Of course we can, you little rascal! But first I want my question answered. And this time by the person I asked! " He smirks. Then he turns to you.

"Uh", you say. You don't really know what to answer. So you'll just tell them the truth. It wouldn't hurt. At least you hope so. You sigh and start to explain.
"The day I was in the station I moved here. With the difference that I hadn't found an apartment before I did it. Now I know that was a mistake. So I looked for a job. And I found one that day. So now I have the money, but still didn't find a place to stay. Except the hotel... "

You look down. How embarrassing...
But as you raise your head again they both smile. They don't judge you.
Then Ava gets on her tiptoes and whispers something into Jeremy's ear. His smile widens."I don't know, you should ask your self ", he answers quietly. Then he raises his voice again and asks :"So, would you show us the shop you work at? "

You're unsure about the fact that Ava whispered, but you quickly agree. It won't hurt to show them what you do all day. They were really nice to you. You like them. And you would do many things to spend more time with them.

You walk them around the room where you built the castle less than an hour ago. Ava is thrilled about the things you made in the past month you worked here. Once you see Jeremy talking to your chef in a quiet and serious way, that worries you. But as soon as you join them, they change the subject to photos of your already sold projects.
Ava can't get enough of it all. In the end she gets a bunch of stuff and the promise that you will craft something with her soon.

She also insists in walking you to the hotel. Of course they do. No one can resist her puppy eyes. On the way you talk about animals and the best way to make them with clay. As you are in the lobby you see Jeremy talking to the man behind the counter. What is he doing?!
It's alright, you just are paranoid because your brain is still in alarm state.
Everything is alright. Everything is alright. Everything is alright.
If you only tell that yourself often enough it will be true.

Ava pokes you to catch your attention.
"Hey Chip! I have a question! " she tells you.
You look at her. She seems too innocent. On purpose. With puppy eyes...
You sigh.
"Yes princess, how can I help you? "
You smirk as she frowns.
Then she takes a deep breath.
That's unusual so you hold yours too.
Then she asks:

"Will you be my Nanny?? "

So that's it. As you maybe realized, every chapter is named after a movie with Renner and till now it worked out well.
To explain, this one is called because you didn't recognize them yet.
But if you find another reason it's also great.
Please tell me!
Hope you liked it.

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