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You sit down at the crafting table and smile at Ava. The little girl is sitting in front of you, looking excited about all the things you carried together. You can see that she has no clue what you planned. You smirk again and start to explain what you have on your mind.

"Look what we got here. A lot of newspapers, paint, water flour, a balloon and some wire. Later we'll also do something else, but first we're going to work with that, okay? " As she nods you continue :"So, I have a great plan. We're going to build a sloth! First we build a construct and then put the newspaper over it. For that we need it in smaller pieces. Could you do that? Look, just like this"

You show her which size you need and she immediately starts tearing the big pages apart. You have to smile again as you see how enthusiastically she works. She's truly a little angel. You start blowing up the balloons and put them in the right place. Then you take the wire and wrap it around them. After a while it indeed starts looking like a sloth lying on a branch, the legs hanging down.

You stub Ava with your feet and she looks up. As she sees what you did a smile flashes on her face. "Chip, that's AMAZING! I love it!! " You can do nothing to stop yourself from smiling too, it's way too cute. The accuracy of her working makes you happy. No wonder she stole your heart that quickly...

You mix flour and water, stir it together until it's some kind of glue. " Are you ready? ", you ask.
She nods and hands you the snippets and smiles. "And what do we do now? When can I color it? It's going to be soo cute!! Can I name it? Please? "
You burst into laughing. She joins you until you can barely breathe after a few minutes.

"Yes, you can. Or you let your Daddy do it. Maybe together, huh? Think about it. Now we are going to glue all these newspaper pieces to the construction I made over here. We have to do this a few times. And wait for it to dry between the rounds. After that you'll color it. Fine? " she literally sparkles joy, overflowing with positive energy. Impressive.

" And of course you can make it as cute as you want, my dear. "
She is already putting glue on the big brush you got. Then she begins to glue piece by piece at its place. She looks so concentrated that you say nothing, afraid to disturb her.
You two work in silence until the first round is finished.

You clap your hands and she imitates the action. You smirk. "And now, while we wait, we're going to make cake! "
Ava immediately cheers, an expected reaction to what you said. "So would you show me the kitchen please? And I might need some help, princess! "
Ava nods and walks out of the room.
You smirk to yourself and follow her.

She again was too quick and you have to guess your way through the house. As you finally found the room, Ava already got a recipe for cake and a few ingredients.
"This is our favorite! ", she points at a page in the book, "can we please make this one? "
You smile and nod. And you can't help but quickly stroke her hair.
"Let's get started ", you say, looking around. "Is there any apron I can use? "

Hello, I'm back.
Only with a short chapter, but at least something. I got motivated by several amazing people today so I might get my shit together and post more and regular.
I hope you like it.
And imagine who owns the apron you'll get...

Stay tuned 😘

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