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One month after arriving in the big city you already managed to build yourself a life.
You adapted to the new circumstances quickly, but sadly still didn't find an apartment or a community to live in.

Your job was the opposite of that. Already the first day you stopped at a crafting shop.
You always loved any kind of creative work and art, so you walked in and started a conversation about project ideas you had and what materials you need for that.
The owner was impressed by the amount of work you had planned and how different your several projects are. Also your clear structure and enthusiasm were welcome.

So he simply asked you if you wanted to work at his shop, creating examples for the different crafting materials and three times a week doing sessions for kids, making little things with them.

So simply your dreams came true out of nowhere. Even more as you heard about your payment. Depending on what you did you got up to 50$ per hour working with the kids and possibly more if you make a big example work.
Like this you could easily pay for the (gladly cheap but neat ) hotel you were staying and everything you needed and had fun at work.

So you got up every morning with a smile and almost nothing could make you loose it through the day.
Happy like every time you make your way to work again today. It's 9 am and the streets are filled as usual. The first week you were confused and somehow afraid by the chaos at the streets, but you easily got used to it and to be honest, you even kinda started to like it.

As you walk around the last corner on your way to the crafting shop you suddenly stop.
It happened again. Since you helped that little girl at your first day of being here, your mind often tricks you into seeing her in random places. Now you thought you just saw her sitting in one of the cars passing you. Theoretically possible, but how should you recognize someone you saw only for a few minutes in that hustle?
You shake your head to loose the numb feeling and replace the confused look on your face with a smile. Then you walk on, you don't want to be late. Today you will take care of a child's birthday guests, you should hurry.

While you work with all the boys, it's a boys only birthday party as it seems, you get many reasons to smirk.
All together you and the kids made three dragons, ten knights to fight them and also a princess to save, that lives in the castle you prepared two days ago. All out of special clay, that hardens through heat.
Now the boys are playing and you clean up the little mess they made.
You are glad because all worked out very well and the boys, happily, were pretty motivated.

But still you didn't manage to get rid of thinking about the little girl. Somehow she suddenly appears on your mind, always when you at least expect and almost forgot it. It's like she's haunting you, but without the creepy feeling.
Was that fate?
You never believed in something like that, magic, paranormal activities and such kind of things. In your opinion there is always a logic way to explain everything.

But this time it seems to be different.
You feel as if it's a sign you can't ignore.
A sign - but for what?!
Should you search her? You don't even know her name!
But what else could you, what are you supposed to do?!
You feel lost and helpless.

But again you manage to put these thoughts into the darkest corner of your mind, to hide them long enough. At least until you got time for them.
Which was definitely not now as you got to look after a group of young boys!


Because of the birthday you finish your work day already in the early afternoon.
Maybe you will work on one of the examples for tangrami figures this evening, but now you walk through the big park near the shop. Although you longed for the city life, you feel happier when you are here. It's like this place fills you with freedom and motivation.

You pass the the playground as you stop again. And this time you don't feel confused. This time suddenly all is clear. As if all pieces of a puzzle just fall at the right places and you finally can recognize the picture.
You know exactly what you have to do.

I'm sorry for the cliffhanger, but guess I should update quickly.
I start the next chapter immediately, so stay tuned.

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