Shower Guard

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When we were heading to Iraq, we had to pass through Kuwait. Kuwait, being the transient hub for soldiers and marines heading in and out of Iraq, is chaotic. As a result of jet lag and the chaotic nature of Kuwait, my buddy had brought his weapon to the shower, but forgot to grab it on his way out to our tent.

Shortly after he left, a Sergeant came bursting through the door to see him sitting on his cot messing around with his new video camera he had just purchased to bring on deployment. His punishment was to get up, take his weapon and camera, and go sit in the community shower area and make sure no one else leaves their weapon in the shower for the night.

So, what you would see when you went to take off your clothes to get in the shower was a fully dressed guy with a rifle and a video camera just sitting there looking at you, without so much as a word.

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