1. What The HELL

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     Stark POV 

I was running away with Thor, Hulk, Nat, Clint, and Steve. We were fighting a group of snake-like people. The reason we were running was because nothing we did could hurt them other than Thor's hammer, and my suit's blasts. We had to run because the team got too tired.

As I ran we passed the Empire State Building, I looked at the grassy lot in front of it and couldn't believe what I saw.

A little boy probably no more than 14 was killing the creatures with what looked like a bronze bat?! What the! How could a little kid do more than us? I was so tired, so I left and took the team in the helicopter to the Avengers mansion.

The Next Morning.

Stark POV

I woke up and was sore as hell. I walked into the kitchen and noticed Cap, Clint, Nat, and surprisingly Peter sitting at the table eating.

"Kid what are you doing here? Don't you have school or something?"

 I was too tired to question him anymore. 

 Peter answers, "Morning Mr.Stark heard last night was rough, so I thought I could come help out."

He actually looked awake unlike the rest of us. 

 Just as I was about to eat Steve's voice started from across the room. "Tony put down the plate, we have another attack in the main park."

I groan I had just gotten up and I already had to save someone's a*s. Listen here kids. Never Become A Superhero.

 Wanda walks into the room and scowls at me then says, "Quit whining Tony! Vision, Strange, Peter, and I will come with you."

Peter puts down his sandwich and bolts towards his room to get ready. Sometime I wonder why he won't just play video games like every other kid his age.

After everyone's ready we leave our own ways. We all got there after 10 minutes. Standing in the middle of the park was a spaceship that decided to use the area as their personal parking lot.

Walking up Vision, Wanda, and the kid depart to move or stop chunks of the buildings around us from hitting kids. Strange, Thor, and Banner run off to fight aliens that are rounding up civilians.

 The rest left walk till they're a few yards away from the front door. The door slowly opens with horrid screeches. If the owner needed a clean up I knew the perfect place I could tell him about.

When the owner shows up I'm surprised by his looks. He had brown hair with some darker streaks, his eyes were a rich coffee color, his face had a black eye and blood, but other than the marks he would've looked like a normal teen. Something interesting was that his mouth looked permanently stuck in a mean smirk.

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