Chapter 29

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Y/n's pov

"I have detention after school after that little stunt we pulled." I said and sat down besides Chaeyoung who was eating.

"Well you didn't want to stop either way." She said and I chuckled.

"It's not my fault you're irresistible." I whispered and ate my food quietly. She clearly heard it and just held my hand on top of the table.

"They just came in the room." She whispered looking at her food, eating.

I sighed and chuckled at the same time. "It's not a big deal Chaeyoung. I'll talk to them when I'm ready to talk, like you said right? So let's not make a big deal out of this."

She nodded smiling back again. We spent the few minutes talking about our date and where we're going. She wanted to go to the drive-in theatre. Whatever she wants, gets right?

Then we saw Taehyung heading our way and we offered for him to sit down with us.

"Hey there you are." He said and say in front of both of us.

"You never told me you were Chaeyoung's cousin." I pointed out and they both laughed.

"You never told me that my cousin is the girl you like. I think it's fair." He said and I smiled nodding.

"Aw you talked about me?" The girl besides me said and I just rolled my eyes laughing.

From time to time my gaze would go to Mina and she would just stare at me. More preferably, how Chaeyoung would hold my hand on the table. I would always look away when I meet her eyes, But I could tell she won't look away like I did.

"Where's Sooyoung? She didn't come to school?" Taehyung asked and Chaeyoung just shrugged.

"I haven't heard from her since yesterday. She's with her mom I think?"

"I heard from the faculty that some guy went loose from a mental hospital. Said that he is last seen close to our school." Taehyung said and I frowned.

"It's true? I thought it was just a rumour." Chaeyoung said and I kept listening to their conversation.

"Yeah, he attacked several patients and even went for the wardens head. He didn't succeed and just fleed the building."

"That's terrifying. What if he comes here?" Chaeyoung asked.

"You're safe, the school prepared for this kinds of dangerous occasions. Besides I'm here." I said jokingly the last part to lighten up the mood

"That's not going to happen. It's probably just a coincidence that he was seen here. There is no way he will go here to attack highschool students." I said and they both agreed.

"How about you two? Have you taken my little cousin on a date yet y/n?" He asked suspiciously and I laughed nodding.

Chaeyoung glared at him as a warning to not cross a line.

"It's fine. I have and I can say that she enjoyed it. Plus, we're going out on thursday as well." I said and he smiled.

"You better take care of her or else." He pointed his fork at me and Chaeyoung threw fries on his face making me laugh.

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