Chapter 35

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Narrator's pov

"I highly reccomend that we treat her psychologically." The same doctor who treated y/n's shoulder told Jennie.

"She's fine. She just needs to go home." Jennie urged after having the same conversation over and over again.

Y/n just found out something terrible and only an idiot wouldn't react like how y/n did. The doctors from another department told y/n that there might be scars after her fist is healed.

The glass shards were too deep and left multiple scars for y/n to remember. It's another story to add for y/n's disruptive past.

"Damn it!" Y/n shouted and threw the stress ball against the wall, frightening the doctor who was helping her.

Jennie sighed and the doctor could only imagine what she's going through. Nobody is positive when it came to exercising or practicing their limbs. It's no surprise that Y/n related to the other patients.

"If you would just let our therapist talk to her for an hour then she will have a much more faster recovery." The doctor pleaded one more time and Jennie glanced at you for a second.

"No. Just help her gain control of her arm." Jennie said finally and walked away to go inside Y/n's room.

Chaeyoung and Mina were side by side, Worrying about you. They were far away from Y/n to not distract her.

"How is she doing?" Jennie asks, sitting on a chair besides Chaeyoung.

"She's getting there." Mina said, just arriving with Jennie an hour ago. Chaeyoung filled them in on what happened.

Mina was disappointed, she was kind of expecting Jieun to be someone Y/n could rely on. At glances, she just know that Jieun never meant to let y/n down.

"How about we take it easy. This is your second day in physical therapy." The doctor reminded y/n who just didn't answer and stared at the wall.

Her head was revloving around her father and how could he not care. She keeps telling herself to stop thinking about it but can't.

"It's been 2 hours." Y/n said still squeezing a small ball on her left hand. They were taking it slow, like baby steps and they were getting there.

"It's part of the process. Let's stop here for the day, I'll come back tomorrow and check your injuries. Take a rest." The doctor stood up and nodded at Jennie's and the rest direction.

Y/n stood up from the chair and stared at the large window in front of her. She brought her hand up and massged her shaking wrist, It's not hurting or anything, she just needs it to stop moving.

'It's annoying' She thinks and is triggering her.

"Is she trying to be some kind of protagonist or what." Jennie whispered and It made Mina nudge her stomach making Chaeyoung stiffle a laugh.

you keep trying take your mind off of it and needed a distraction.

"Hey how was it?" Mina asked pulling a chair to sit on.

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