chapter 42

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'Ignoring it'

Mina's pov

"You are bitter today." I said to Lisa who just laughed shaking her head. She was staring point blank at the wall.

"That's what I get for making Jennie mad. She always does this everytime we fight." Lisa said in a low tone, we were in class and nothing much is happening anyways.

"Did you two talk?"

"If you call her shouting at me earlier talk, then I guess yes."

I just smiled and nodded. I don't talk much, especially to my friends, except y/n. She can get me talking for hours and would always find a way to not complain. I miss her.

"How about you and Y/n?"

I shook my head and she just patted my back for comfort. "I guess we both made a mistake."

"What did you do anyways? Jennie always feels uncomfortable when she talks to me, probably wants to stay in Y/n's good side." I rolled my eyes at the last sentence.

It's true, Jen hasn't spoken to me since in the Park. Whenever I would try she would walk away or laugh awkwardly and excuse herself.

"She got jealous over me and Sooyoung. I was just trying to make friends, She has trust issues." Lisa complained and I sighed.

Those two would be inseparable whenever we would hand out. I guess a healthy couple fights more than make up.

"Don't freak out or anything, I saw you and Taehyung in that classroom earlier. Are you two dating or...?"

I immediately shook my head disagreeing. "We just talked. Mostly him lashing out on me for... you know."

Lisa nodded, I can see that she has a lot of questions. I wanted to release all my darkest secrets anyways, why not tell it now?

"You can ask you know?"

"Why did you sleep with him? I mean, why him? Chaeyoung's cousin? Like really?" Lisa pushed and I could only laugh at her constant questioning.

"I got caught up in the moment. It was a mistake for the both of us." I huffed and leaned on the chair, remembering that night.

Me and Taehyung were just talking. He is very nice and I abused that. I understand that I made a mistake but couldn't He and Y/n forgive me?

Y/n forgave Taehyung, why can't she forvive me? I didn't want to lie, I never did. But knowing all the pain she's been through the past month, I couldn't bring myself to hurt her again.

I made the wrong call by not telling her.

"Y/n still loves you, you know? She just needs time." Lisa said gently and I shook my head chuckling.

"She loves Chaeyoung. I watched them and I couldn't believe how painful it was.." I looked down, seeing the picture of the woman I love with her love.

"Take it from me, I watched you two bicker for years. There is no way you didn't feel anything for her in the last 3 years."

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