Part 1

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Part 1

"Are you buying the condo? Please buy it babe, I really don't want to visit your house that often. You know your sister doesn't like me right? It's too awkward." She linked her arm on mine as she pouted.

I sighed. I don't really plan on buying a condo unit but Armie's insisting. I understand her though, Xyla never really liked her and it's really awkward for her when she visits the house. My mom's a bit against our relationship too.

But I love this girl and I've been with her since we were kids. I don't think I can ever say no to her.

"Alright, I'll buy it."

Her chinky eyes widened before she shrieked and jumped at me for a hug. I chuckled.

"I really love you! Thank you babe!"

"I love you too Armie and you're always welcome." I kissed her briefly on the lips.

I bought the condo unit just near the university where I'm studying. My mom was against it, as well as my sister. They both have a hunch that it's Armie who pushed me to the thought of living alone.

They might be right, Armie wanted me to buy the condo but I wanted to live separately as well. I want to be independent and my dad agreed to it, the reason why I was able to buy the unit.

My father would always let me do what I want, even when mom disagrees to almost all of it. But I have Armie with me who always cheers me up and supports me. I find her my home, I find her my lifetime partner.

Things were good between us, we completely understand each other. I, in most cases, understand her the most.

Armie's from a very powerful family in South Korea. She belongs to a family who runs an organization that sells firearms and secret weapons, a mafia.

She's raised to a very competent family, a place that doesn't recognize her weaknesses. And even at eighteen, she still couldn't adapt to it.

She hated home so much. No matter how much her father tries to lure her with many things, they couldn't tame her. She would always run to me crying after seeing people getting beaten up to death.

She grew up scared with so many things. She might look fierce and strong on the outside but she is really very weak and scared.

She hated being born to her family, that's why she grew up so attached to me.

It's all fine with me though. I can always handle her when she's scared or lonely. We're both attached to each other because we grew up together, this is mainly the reason why we prefer each other than any other partners.

It's been almost three years when we decided to just start dating. Being together for years developed feelings between us. And we both think it's better that way.

But as the years pass, I noticed how she grew possessive of me.

One morning, she threatened my thesis partner to stay away from me. The girl was scared she couldn't even tell me how Armie threatened her. I was angry, it was too childish, her jealousy is too unreasonable.

I told her to go home after our little row but she cried and begged for forgiveness. And I would always forgive and try to understand her more. And it was always like that, she would stick to me because she knew that I'm the only one who can understand her. And I would always try to keep her sane because I knew how lonely she is.

It was summer when we planned to visit the Philippines, like what we always do whenever we have time, we visit our friends.

"Armie!" Samantha and Kimberly shrieked as they ran towards Armie.

Untold: Xian's JournalTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon