Part 2

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Part 2

It's like the world conspired to make my life a bit more difficult when our company suffered a big loss due to a fraud.

I had to go home to help my dad deal with the company problems. At an early age, I learned about managing our business so it wasn't a problem at all. The only problem is that, we lost a lot of money and the company is in bankruptcy. This is one reason why I wasn't able to deal with my relationship with Armie.

We lost our communication for a couple of weeks because I devoted all my time to help my family. My parents were too busy they didn't notice about it. But my older sister, Xyla, never fails to notice everything.

"Did you two break up already? Why is that girl missing in action these past few days?" She asked while I'm driving her to school.

I didn't answer. I know we broke up but she's Armie, she's been part of my whole life, I cannot just dismiss our relationship like that. I was mad for her behaviour but I know we can still find a way through it. I just need to give her time to realize that what she's done is extremely horrible.

"Do you know mom and dad's plan? Did they tell you?"

I remained focused on the road. I heard her sigh.

"They had a videocall with the Scofields. I heard Tito Tyler will be helping the company. I don't know the exact details though."

I nodded. I heard about that, as well as the help that came from Dylan and Samantha's family, and from Sean's dad.

"What do you think can happen Xian?"

"I don't know Xyla, stop asking."

My mind has been clouded with the problems for a couple of weeks, it's tiresome to even talk about it on my little free time.

"I think it's better to break up with Armie now."

"What does she have to do with this?"

"I think our parents will marry us off to someone."

My forehead creased. I turned to her and saw her smiling sadly.

"Where did you get that idea?"

"I heard it from mommy alright, from their videocall last night. A certain Korean businessman wants to buy some shares in exchange of marrying me off to his son."

My grip tightened on the steering wheel.

"That's plan A, and ofcourse you are their plan B."

I certainly don't believe it. The company is failing but my parents will never marry us off to just anyone, especially someone we don't know. And I can't let my sister marry a man she doesn't know, I won't let that happen. It doesn't matter if it's me, I can accept that kind of plan, but definitely not my sister.

"I'm breaking up with my boyfriend today, to avoid any more problems."

I shook my head, "You're not marrying anyone Xyla."

"But I think it's the only way--"

"Do you know the guy?" I glanced at her and she shook her head.

"I..I don't have any idea.." she murmured.

"Then you're not marrying him."

"We need to save the company Xian!"

"I will marry whoever they choose for me. I will do it. I can't let you do it Xyla so please shut up."

She gasped in disbelief. My head is already aching from all of these. If the only way to save our failing company is to marry a businessman's daughter then I'll do it. Divorce is legal in this country so it doesn't really matter. I will endure it.

Untold: Xian's JournalTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon