Part 3

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Part 3

Kim is not the kind of girl who forces her way on things, no matter how bad she wants it. She knows how to wait for her turn, she's taught of the value of things very well. Her patience and understanding for the people around her is to the moon. This is why it didn't surprise me when she ran away from our wedding.

I know how hard it was for her. Despite knowing the fact that she's liked me for years, I never really assumed that the marriage can easily be done. She values her friendship with Armie more than her feelings towards me and I understand that. She thinks she ruined our relationship, she thinks she's getting in the way. When in fact, she's all my priority now, making her understand that I agreed on this marriage not just because our companies need to merge but because I realized a few months ago that I like her.

I wouldn't be in this situation if I don't like her. I was sure I can find other solutions to the company's problem but I agreed in an instant when I found out that she's the girl I will marry.

I know it will be hard for her to believe me if I tell her that. We're childhood friends but we're not exactly close like how she is to Dylan or Sean. And I avoided to be close to her for years because of Armie. It will sound untrue if I just tell her I like her.

She knew about my relationship with Armie and I know I have to work it all up to make her believe that it's her this time, that Armie and I are over.

And as the days pass, I would always realize that everything about her is just lovable. Her innocence, clumsiness and her kindness even to the people she doesn't know just makes her the kind of person everyone would want to keep and protect. Everything about her is just making me want to push her through. She's like a flower blooming in the open field and I am a bee that keeps on wanting her. It's like that, I realized I am so attracted to her.

"Kim anak, can you put these flowers on the vase?" I was reading a newspaper in the living room when I heard that.

"Saan po mommy?" I watched her as she walked cheerfully from the pool area to the kitchen where her mom is. She didn't notice me.

"Sa sala anak. Tapos itong sunflowers ilagay mo sa kwarto mo."

I heard her footsteps afterwards. She's heading to where I am. I pretended to be busy with the newspaper but in my peripheral vision I still saw how she slowed down when she saw me. It was hard to hide the smirk.

The uneasiness I always see on her face makes me want to look at her more.

I watched her as she silently arrange the flowers on the vase. She would glance at me from time to time and when she does that, I pretend to be busy.

Her little ways like that made me fall eventually. But I was not sure how to show her. Everytime I try to show my affection, she would look shocked, like seeing what I'm doing is so hard to believe.

She knows she likes me so much but she keeps on trying to run away from her feelings. It was so hard for me to hold her firmly without being so unbelievable. It was so hard to make her believe that everything is real. Most especially, it was hard because I couldn't stop caring about Armie, and she would see that the other way around, everyone would see that the other way around. It was even harder when there's suddenly Ken in her life.

I clenched my jaw when he started hugging her but I couldn't do anything. She's crying and I couldn't do anything because Armie is here beside me and I chose her. The anger inside me is like acid, it's burning deep inside me. I am suddenly angry that I care for Armie so much, I am suddenly angry that she came here tonight and ruined the fun.

Kenneth spinned the bottle and it stopped infront of me. I tried so hard to stop myself from glaring.

He sighed, "Save it. I'm saving my dare." He equalled my stare meaningfully.

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