Spinning A Change (Anna Marie, aka Rogue)

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Spider-Man, whose secret identity is Peter Parker, was in shock at what he was seeing. What appeared to be a female version of his friend Kurt Wagner aka Nightcrawler was in front of him handing him a semi-heated glare.

"I'm Spider-Man" Peter introduced himself to the female Nightcrawler. "Occasionally amazing. Sometimes spectacular. Right now, a little bit confused" Peter asked, only taking a step forward, which to his point of view was ignored by the female in front of him. "I know this is kind of a crazy question... But are you related to a guy called Nightcrawler? He and I, we're friends" Spidey tried to talk and help, who happened to be someone related to Kurt. A family member? Sister maybe?

"And it's just, well, I mean... You look just like him" He quickly added, not trying to be offensive to the woman in front of him. Or maybe he blew it at that last sentence? If so... It was what he did most of his life anyway.

"Oh no! What have Ah done?!" The Nightcrawler look-a-like thought in fear. She just went and got herself exposed to someone they couldn't trust. Her luck seemed to get worse and worse each day since she received this new power.

"Ah'm... not Nightcrawler. He and the X-Men are dead." The female stated, watching as Spider-Man got almost in front of her. "What's that old saying..." She said activating her new powers. "Appearances can be deceivin'!


"Yikes!" Spider-Man thought as he took a step back in shock.

"That's sure the way Nightcrawler teleports, right down to the stench" Peter thought as he began to look around him. "No reaction from my Spider-Senses. Whoever she is... she is no threat... at least, not to me. The clincher is her voice... I'm pretty sure I've heard it before" Peter began to analyze the situation. Until his mind just made a click as to who it was. He looked to the roof of the building to see her watching him, from the edge of the building.

"Rogue... is that you?" Peter asked, receiving no reaction from the female who now appeared like Nightcrawler. "You can trust me... I'm on your side!" Peter said, happy that she was alright. Ever since the news that the X-Men were dead, he had been taking it really hard. Even though he was not there to begin with, he blamed himself for at least not helping his friends.

"Ah have so made a mess of things. Whatever was Ah thinkin'?" Rogue thought in resignation to her fate. Although she already expected for the wall-crawler to inform it to the Avengers.

"Easy for you t' say, wall-crawler" Rogue stated as Peter slowly neared the building. "'Specially these days, with mutants bein' the world's number one public enemy"

"She is so angry... and so sad" Peter thought as he began to do as the nickname that the one he thought was Rogue gave him. "On the other hand, if she is Rogue... With all that happened. with the Avengers on the X-Men's case..."

"She has a good reason" Peter finished his train of thought as he finished climbing the wall and stepped on the roof. He watched who he thought was Rogue take a step back.

"Don't flinch now. Don't run. Just relax" Peter said, making the female Nightcrawler stop moving but the look he still received was the same as before. "I'm not the bad guy. I mean no harm. All I want to do is talk"

"Talk is easy" Rogue remarked in a not so trusting voice. "Tellin' the truth, findin' folks who'll believe it... That's hard" She finished, making Spider-Man flinch a bit. But Rogue didn't noticed the flinch.

"Hey! Remember who you talkin' to!" Spidey remarked. "What you're saying is the story of my life." Peter said, getting a weird look from Rogue who thought that his life couldn't be that weird. "I'm also a great listener"

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